Michigan CPL Question


Has anyone ever applied for a Michigan CPL while having one of the misdamenors on the application list and still been approved for a license? The reason I am asking is because I am scheduled to take the class in 2 weeks and noticed that I have a conviction on 1 of the misdamenors.

Last year I did something stupid and rode my atv from my cabin to my hunting blind on private property. Approximately 300yds and was ticketed for an uncased firearm. I'm just wondering if it is worthwhile trying to get a CPL or am I screwed for 8 more years? I would like to hear from any and all who have any insight.
Wow I am sorry to hear that. Have you talked to an attorney?

Quick question- I am assuming you were in a rural area, how did the police see you?

I'm 46 but I don't see why hiring an attorney will help. Your basically falling under the good graces of the board considering it is failing one of the requirements to qualify for a CPL license.