MIchigan Citizens! Write Engler!

Fred S

New member
Fellow Michiganders:
I wrote my state rep asking why the CCW reform bill has been stalled. She told me that all it needs is for Engler to sign it inot law. Write Gov. Engler and tell him you want him to sign the "shall issue" bill into law.


Tis true, below is a response I received from my local representative in the Michigan House, after I moved to the area and proceeded to find out how my reps "think."

*Begin cut and paste*

Even though I personally am opposed to laws making it easier to get CCW
permits it should be noted that I am in a distinct minority on the
issue. When we dealt with this issue in the spring there were 70 votes
in favoring of the "shall issue" bill. The Senate version was only
slightly more restrictive. The whole package is being held up by the
Governor because of its potential impact on the election of George. W.
Bush. We will likely pass these bills right after the elections next

*End cut and paste*
Fred: Well, there's a LITTLE bit more than the Governor's signature needed. While it was passed by both houses, the language was slightly different, so it needs to go to conference.

Hawkgt: It really burns me that even the supposed pro-gunners think that being pro-gun hurts you politically, even after '94. They've really bought into the media spin, haven't they?

Sic semper tyranus!

>the language was slightly different, so it needs to go to conference.<

This is what I thought too but both Rep. Kukuk and the MCRGO say it just needs the Gov's signature. Sounds like they've put it in political limbo so nobody get tarnished.

MCRGO says that the Gov's staff states that only the anit-gunners have been talking to Engler on this issue. They claim they've heard nothing from the pro-shall issue folks. Well, OK, then lets hit him with some letters.

You point on the pro-gun pols being shy about pro-gun is well taken. The republicans are too cowardly to stand uyp and support their own issues and beliefs!

Take care and thanks for your response.
