Michelle Obama's Princeton senior thesis link.

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This LINK discusses Michelle Obama's Princeton University thesis on "Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community". There has been a lot of conjecture both positive and negative floating around the internet but according to snopes.com it is legitimate. You will find further links to the four PDF files which contain the thesis.

I'll let the reader come to their own conclusions. My own reading shows her less "fake" in my estimation than the typical sound bytes and snatches I've heard from her beforehand. It also shows her to be more of an ideologue than I'd estimated beforehand. Frankly she sounds pretty racist and that bodes poorly for gun owners whether black or white as racism seems to be one of the biggest roots of the kudzu vine of gun control. :(
What office is she running for?

Her husband wants to raise taxes, increase welfare, ban guns, cut and run in Iraq, ban oil drilling, give free college to everyone, etc etc.

Why spend time worrying about a paper she wrote 20 years ago?
The only thing the Snopes article confirms is that Princeton stopped access to the thesis and that the Obama campaign made the thesis available on line. After which Princeton once again allowed access to the thesis.
I'm not going to read the thesis and I doubt anyone else here will. So we are pretty much open to manipulation by whichever political operative presses our political buttons in the right way.
From the link to the article I don't see anything controversial. But in politics controversy doesn't really have to be based on anything.
OK Lance, so what in the thesis did you find objectionable? You must be a speed reader. Or have you perhaps simply made a judgement without reading?

I haven't read it, nor do I intend to. There are myriad legitimate reasons to dislike Obama, as I pointed out above. There is no reason to worry about a thesis written by his wife 20 years ago.

I can't imagine that there is someone out there who is going to base their decision on who to vote for president on a 20 year old paper written by the guys wife.

The Republican party would do better by sticking to the facts, and leave the Obama's wife alone.
Not when she's running around campaigning for him.

Michelle Obama, who has been a passionate advocate of her husband's presidential aspirations and who has made several controvesial statements, including this week's remark, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."
I can't imagine that there is someone out there who is going to base their decision on who to vote for president on a 20 year old paper written by the guys wife.

Are you not influenced by your spouse I expect most people are somewhat
therefore it is important. What they believe through out their life as a couple
will come to the white house can they separate that from the decision making
possible but unlikely.
Not when she's running around campaigning for him.

The face that she has on when she is appearing on all of the various TV talk shows is not the same face that is speaking in her thesis.

That is clearly the real Michelle Obama, while the other public figure is a most definite fake.

Beating up on a candidate's wife, whether she is campaigning or not, creates sympathy towards her and the candidate she is married too. It is no wonder the Republican party has a hard time winning elections. They forget who they are running against.

With a candidate like Obama, there is no need to beat up his wife. Go after Obama on the issues.
Is it not POSSIBLE that her thesis was written to cater to the perspective of the supervising professor?

I ain't voting Obama by any stretch but I'm not going to lynch the lady in the court of public opinion over a school paper. I've written a thesis or two myself and it's pretty hard to completely eliminate the influence your supervising professor has over the topic and results.

It's also a 20 year old paper.

If you looked at anything I wrote even 10 years ago, you'd find an anti-gun, liberal, ecoweenie hippie wrote it. Look at anything I've written in the last 6-8 years, and it is very different after learning a few things.

We all write stupid $#!+ in college that has very little relevance to our lives.
Other than for slinging massive amounts of mud, what political issue is involved here?

PM me if there is something valid, otherwise - Closed for being off-topic.
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