Michael Moore at it again


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Michael Moore: Hurricane Coming During GOP Convention ‘Proof There Is a God in Heaven’
Controversial filmmaker admits he’s delighted to see a natural disaster potentially interfere with the Republican event.

By Jeff Poor
Business & Media Institute
8/30/2008 12:13:18 AM

Sometime you really have wonder at what cost some are willing to see their political ideology advanced.
To liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, the bounds are seemingly endless. Moore has made a recent career out of attacking President George W. Bush, bashing conservatives and criticizing business. His latest outrage occurred on MSNBC’s August 29 “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” and when he commented about the coincidental timing of an unfortunate disaster – the potential for Hurricane Gustav to make landfall at the beginning of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.
“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said, laughing. “To have it planned at the same time – that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for day one of the Republican Convention, up in the Twin Cities – at the top of the Mississippi River.”
After that comment, Moore backed off a bit and did say he hoped nobody got hurt and he hoped everybody is taking cover. However, he failed to make note of the $43.625 billion in damage the last hurricane to strike New Orleans caused – Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – and the billions of dollars the storm cost taxpayers.
Sometime you really have wonder at what cost some are willing to see their political ideology advanced.

No you don't. The "Gimme" coalition will stop at nothing to gain power. They've proved it time and again. Nothing is beneath the Democrats, their fellow travelers and their useful idiots.
Wouldn`t expect anything different from him. He`s the type of person that makes his living off controversy. If there isn`t any scum like that usually will create some.
No you don't. The "Gimme" coalition will stop at nothing to gain power. They've proved it time and again. Nothing is beneath the Democrats, their fellow travelers and their useful idiots.

Hannity. Limbaugh. Savage. O'Reilly, Rove, Kristal, etc etc etc
Hannity. Limbaugh. Savage. O'Reilly, Rove, Kristal, etc etc etc

Show us all the times that they wished for natural disasters in order to harm their political opponents or win an election. I'll wait for you.
So some idiot reporter whom has the byline for the article, had to go ask that idiot what he thought and then write it down and distribute such useless information. So he is as much at fault as the bloated hulk himself.
Show us all the times that they wished for natural disasters in order to harm their political opponents or win an election. I'll wait for you.

Umm, you do realize that it was the right wing kooks that prayed for rain on the DNC, right?
Does most of the world really care what Michael Moore does. The Hollywood crowd perhaps and a few other liberals, but doubt that mainstream American, liberal or conservative, give a ---- what he sys or does.
So where were all of you when the right wing bloggers claimed Katrina was an act of god to punish the wicked people of NO? There were even people on this site, supporting that view point. Oh the hypocrisy.
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Umm, you do realize that it was the right wing kooks that prayed for rain on the DNC, right?

Are you seriously trying to defend Michael Moore? Wait, I just want to get this straight... This is the "FiringLine Forum" and youre in here making excuses for this guy. Are you lost, confused, were you not aware that this idiot is a total fraud? Just curious.

All I can say is that I'm glad you are wasting your breath in here... instead of somewhere else that people may actually listen to your reasoning. :)
Are you seriously trying to defend Michael Moore? Wait, I just want to get this straight... This is the "FiringLine Forum" and youre in here making excuses for this guy. Are you lost, confused, were you not aware that this idiot is a total fraud? Just curious.

All I can say is that I'm glad you are wasting your breath in here... instead of somewhere else that people may actually listen to your reasoning.

Apparently you are too quick to jump. I never defended Michael Moore. I merely noted that he is not the first in this particular situation. His was a mirror response to the right wingers that prayed for a rain out of the DNC (as horrible as that is on both sides to do). You only complain about one. Guess which one of us is more biased?

If you were looking for a forum in which only your own viewpoint is reflected, I suggest you are in the wrong place.
Umm, you do realize that it was the right wing kooks that prayed for rain on the DNC, right?

Bingo....... Just goes to prove that there are nut jobs on both sides of aisle... And let us not even discuss Rev. Jerry Falwell's rational for 9/11.
Umm, you do realize that it was the right wing kooks that prayed for rain on the DNC, right?

So "praying for rain" is the same as wishing for a class 5 hurricane to smash into the gulf coast in order to advance your politics. Alrighty, cleared that up.:eek:
Typical right wing tactics, claim someone said something outrageous without linking to what the person actually said.


Take a look at the opener.

The other night, James Dobson's organization asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be canceled.

I see that You have answered Dr. Dobson's prayers -- except the storm You have sent to earth is not over Denver, but on its way to New Orleans! In fact, You have scheduled it to hit Louisiana at exactly the moment that George W. Bush is to deliver his speech at the Republican National Convention.

Geez what's that word ... umm..., oh yeah, context. That's the ticket.

Because I know few if any will click the above link, let me just say that someone pointing out the irony of a hurricane hitting during the republican convention after republican's prayed that a storm would hit the democrat convention is not the same as being happy that a hurricane was about to hit the cost.

In fact imho, the people that are happy about this hurricane are the republican leadership that now don't have to have Bush or Cheney speak at the convention.
the irony of a hurricane hitting during the republican convention after republican's prayed that a storm would hit the democrat convention

Except this is idiotic, the convention was curtailed to allow delegates from the gulf to go home to help and to focus attention of disaster relief, if necessary. Minneapolis is a thousand miles inland. I don't think rain is even expected until tomorrow. But Moore and his Democrat cronies were never swift with the facts. And just like Democrats pointing fingers everywhere else, just like the Democrat mayor and governor that let NO drown during Katrina and blamed Bush.
Here is a photo from the main page of Michael Moore's website. He is claiming that Sarah Palin kills Grizzly Bears for fun, and is also destroying the King Crab population by eating so many of them:


Sarah is very bad for the environment, apparently.

This photo does appear to have been photoshopped.

SecDef wrote:
Umm, you do realize that it was the right wing kooks that prayed for rain on the DNC, right?

While I'll admit praying for rain was a bit childish, and shows low class, it is a far, far cry from wishing a hurricane capable of killing and injuring thousands would decend on ANYBODY. There is no equating a little rain on wishing people to be destroyed. I can't even believe you would have the gall to equate the two.

And of COURSE he backpedaled and said he wished no one was hurt, after the fact, when he realized his comment, if possible, made him look like an even bigger idiot.