Michael D. Echanis


New member
I've seen his stuff in the wannabe martial arts mags, and just picked up one of his books cheap at a show.

How much of his professed expertise is real, and how much is jsut hype to sell the book? Anyone know?

"Special Forces/Ranger-UDT/SEAL Hand-to-Hand Combat/Special Weapons/Special Tactics Series, Basic Stick Fighting for Combat."

Any input?

Very real and he is very dead.

Killed in a aircraft crash in South America along with some South American generals. Hit a mountian side. Very well know, well published, and trained people all over the world.

Mike Enchanis was on Soldier of Fortune's staff for a long time as well.. he wrote articles about the things he did much more than about concepts or tactics.. if you review some of the old (70's-80's) magazines you will see his name alot.. he travelled all over the world not only teaching, but also operating.. he did in fact teach at fort bragg with special forces and numerous other units... he was probably best known for his blade work.. he loved the double edged gerbers (mark I and mark II)
he died in nicaragua while working for somoza. what i heard was he was in a plane with another american and a nic snco and they were dropping handgrenades on sandinista positions when one of the grenades got away from them and exploded in the plane.

echanis was a navy seal who was badly wounded in vn and used martial arts for rehab. his art was hwa rang do and he ended up teaching it to seal team 2 down in va. i don't think he was ever "operational" after that til he hooked up with somoza and that was as a trainer for the nat'l guard specops units.

i've heard he was hot **** but kinda "out there in the ozone"...he was very into the zen type aspects of his art.