Mg 42

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Can anyb lend a hand with some info?

i found a new in the box mg 42 at my friends grandpa's. if we can't find any paperwork on it (form 4) is there any way to get it registerd?

what can we do with it legally?
Donate it to a museum if there's no paperwork, the BATFE has been known to make such exceptions.

It would be around a $40,000 gun if transferable so don't go chopping it up lightly.

If you have a friendly police dept. you trust then have them run the serial number with the ATF, they will let them know if it is registered and to who, then the legal heir of the estate can get the gun transfered to them.

Once the ATF is contacted you must be prepared to get rid of the gun you found. Of course finding paperwork on your own would be the best route.

i saw these high up there, like well over 100k, there sought after heavily your lucky to have found one, id love an mg42
If it isn't registered, no one can buy it. As previously stated, ATF may let a museum have it. The best thing your friend can do is call ATF and let them run the numbers. It's not worth the hassles you/him will get into if you try to do anything else. It really sucks to lose a piece of history as well as a $100K+ gun, but 10 years in federal prison sucks too.
I'd check the NFA registry for the serial numbers (it won't be there) then cut the reciever up as per ATF regs and sell the kit (minus the torch cut reciver pieces) for $600.

Or you could just sell it to the ATF informant who just sent you a PM and get an all expenses paid trip to a very secure vacation spot.

Alot of people would be tempted to hang on to it and never let it see the light of day, hoping for another amnesty like the one in '68 or a change in the registry laws when a Libertarian gets elected. Alot of people also believe in Santa Claus and 911 conspiracy theories.

I'm glad I'm not facing that choice, because I'd be tempted to have a new family heirloom in a secure cache.
It's difficult to believe that there are any "new in box" MG42s floating around. The Germans shot the bejesus out of them before they ever made it over here.
Just call the ATF NFA customer service line. Tell them you want to check on a Form 4. Give them your serial number. If they ask for your name, it's in there. Otherwise they'll say nothing exists for that number. If there is nothing in there under that number they don't ask for your name. If it's not in there you need to throw it in the bottom of a river.
For the reco4rd, MG42's aren't "worth $100k". Not even if it's personally autographed by Erwin Rommel. $40K is about top end for the things. It could be donated to a museum for one hell of a tax deduction. The curator at the Springfield Armory National Firearms Museum or the Smithsonian would know more about such things.
If it's not in there you need to throw it in the bottom of a river.

I'm telling you that there is nothing illegal about a MG42 kit if it has been demilled according to BATF guidelines, and they are worth quite a bit of money. Semiauto recievers are available if you wanted to build it as a functioning LEGAL gun also.
STFU and hide it VERY well if you don't want to destroy a piece of history. This is not the recommended method, but many people do do this.

There are plenty of people hiding FA guns that they would love to make legal if they could.
You could save it for a local gun buy back program then you might get a $50 coupon or something for it....those are supposed to be no questions asked right? :D
I'm leaning toward agreeing with Wildalaska, but for arguement's sake I'll ask if your friend's grandfather is still alive? If not, is the grandmother still living? Surely someone in the family will know if it was registered as a bringback or during the amnesty. Try asking some of the close family members before you ask the feds. If you don't get an answer, you can follow the advise of some of the other posters and ask BATFE to look up the serial # in the registry. If it turns out that the MG is not registered, I'd contact an attorney versed in NFA regulation and firearm law in general. Whatever you do, PLEASE do not destroy the gun! Even if it is not legal, there are proper channels to go through that would not lead to the destruction of that kind of historical artifact.
mg 42

Thanks for the info. i had non idea were to start to ask questions.

I did not relize that this is such a rare find. No one in their family has any intrest in it. i was hope to aqiure it if it is legal.
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