Mexican Police arrested at Phoenix, Az. Gun Show on felony charges

LAK Supply

New member
Picked this up from another forum I frequent.....

I guess since we now have proof that the Mexican police officials are such upstanding citizens, I must now rescind my previous statements about doubting the integrity of the Mexican commerce department in regards to trucks freely crossing our border. :rolleyes:

Three high-ranking Mexican officers arrested at Phoenix gun show
The Associated Press
Sept. 12, 2007 09:54 AM

PHOENIX - Three high-ranking Mexican police officers were arrested over the weekend for buying weapons at a gun show in Phoenix in violation of a law barring non-citizens from purchasing firearms, a federal official said Wednesday.

The three include the director of the Baja California Sur state police and a commander of the federal police in Baja California, said Tom Mangan, a spokesman with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Phoenix.

The three had crossed the border at Calexico, Calif., in an official police vehicle and driven to Phoenix. They were arrested by Phoenix police and ATF agents after buying three handguns and about 450 rounds of ammunition Saturday at the gun show, Mangan said.

He said it appeared the officers were buying the handguns for their personal use.

Phoenix police booked Carlos Alberto Flores, 36, the Baja California state police director, on state weapons misconduct and conspiracy charges, according to a Phoenix police report. State police Commander Guillermo Valle Medina, 33, was booked on the same felony charges, as was Jose Santos Cortez Gonzalez, 41, a top-ranking federal police official.

They posted bond and were released from jail, Mangan said.

Phoenix police, Mesa police and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents running an enforcement program at the gun show overheard Gonzalez negotiating with a dealer for two guns, then watched as he bought them, according to the police report.

Officers followed Gonzalez and Flores back to their Chevrolet Suburban, which was armored and equipped with bulletproof windows. They went back inside, met up with Valle, and continued buying ammunition and gun supplies before leaving, according to the report.

Police stopped their vehicle after they left the gun show, searched it and found the three handguns and the ammunition, the police report said.

Mangan said Mexican officials have been pressuring U.S. officials to cut off the supply of weapons going south.
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If they broke the law I hope they receive the maximum penalty.

I get tired of hearing how our citizens get "The Midnight Express" end of the stick (or get beheaded) and foreigners feel they can track mud on our carpets.

I think laws and penalties should be applied by 'reciprocity.' If our citizens rot in a filthy prison for twenty years for jaywalking, then send a foreigner to Attica--especially a Mexican police officer.

While I could care less what happens to foreigners who thumb their noses at our laws, perhaps our citizens may be treated a bit better.
I too would be curious how they got past NICS. If you get anymore info, please keep us updated.

Non-FFL dealer, private sale. It's pretty common at border region gun shows to get requests to purchase "sin papeles" but even a private seller should have enough sense to steer clear.
Mexican govt sting? Demonstrate how easy it is to buy guns at US gunshows then bring them back into Mexico thereby violating the socialist paradise. Sorry, the cynic in me woke up.
There is no NICS check on PPT at gunshows in AZ. Unless they purchased them from a dealer the seller did nothing wrong. This should have been prevented at the border.
The part that really bothers me is this...

They posted bond and were released from jail, Mangan said.

In most felony bail hearings I've seen, the judge is more interesting in the liklihood that the accused will leave the country if they have a passport or lots of money and then set the bail high enough to ensure they return.

Here, it's almost a certainty that they will return to Mexico which may require extradition and diplomatic wrangling to get them back here. I'm almost sure we'll see this happen once they return south and dress up their story. They'll play it as those damned gringos were just racially profiling and "enticed" them into buying those guns. Then Mexico will protest to D.C. and refuse to extradite, claiming it's further evidence of the kind of anti-Mexican racial sentiment in the U.S. :rolleyes:
No, they will never return. Mehico does not extradite, don't care what the treaty says. We'll send OUR citizens south of the border for misdemeanor cases, (look up Dog the bounty hunter), but they will not send anyone north for any cases. They hate our guts and want our land.
I'd suspect either private-party sales, or NICS passed with a stolen ID.

We know quite well there's a stolen ID industry down there.
If you go to another country, and break their laws....

AND you are a police officer or official, does this mean you are in trouble /face suspension, investigation, or anything when you get home? Or will it just be another "put one over on them" and the good old boys walk scott free?

I long to see justice done, but rather doubt it will be in this case.
...overheard Gonzalez negotiating with a dealer for two guns, then watched as he bought them, according to the police report.
Person to person? ATF? Anyone?

And I wonder what would happen to three US Cops who were caught in Mexico buying guns and ammo if things were reversed? (Tho' they might be allowed to eventually leave the country, I'll bet it wouldn't be in their armoured & bulletproof Suburban.)
They hate our guts and want our land.

You got that right.

I'm in Laredo,Tx right now and they refuse to speak english and look at you with contempt if you do.

I speak decent spanish but, I refuse to anymore unless I'm in Mexico.

This is a full scale invasion not peacful "migration" and they aren't even having to fire a shot.

I'm afraid when the majority of Americans wake up and realize whats going on it will be to late.
They hate our guts and want our land.
Then we shouldnt have stolen it in the first place

Then I'm sure you wouldn't at all mind if Putin decided that Seward's purchase was done under duress and is void, and decides to take it back, right?

A disconnected state can be the most profound of ivory towers.
In nearly all of recorded history, land is your because you fight for it, winner takes the spoils.

If you don't fight for it, you lose it.

You may not like it, but thems are the facts. Might makes right, and the winners get to write the history books.