Mexican Drug Gangs and our 2nd Amend


New member
This morning I heard Sen Barrasso, WY, was one of the senators on the Mexican border on a fact finding tour. I e-mailed Sen Barrasso regarding my concerns regarding our guns being blamed for the problem.

Ths is the Response I got from Sen. Barrasso.

As you know, Attorney General Eric Holder recently announced that this administration wants to permanently ban semi-automatic assault weapons because of the drug wars in Mexico. I understand your concern for Attorney General Eric Holder's comments. If Mexico is concerned with criminals smuggling firearms into Mexico then they should start helping us by securing their border. We will not surrender our Second Amendment rights for Mexico's border problem.

Like you, I believe a ban on assault weapons clearly violates our constitutional right to bear arms. During his Senate confirmation hearing earlier this year Mr. Holder mentioned his support of a ban on assault weapons, which was one of the reasons I voted against his nomination for Attorney General. Please know that I oppose reinstating the ban and I will continually defend an individual's right to bear arms.

God Bless Wyoming and Senator Barrasso
Thanks Kraigwy for taking the time to wright your senator. Much kudo`s to Senator Barrasso. Its refreshing in this day and age to hear some politicians still have some common sense.