Metal Storm?


New member
There was a lot of foo-fah about Metal Storm within the last few years and then it all seems to have died down.

Is this company still active? Are they doing anything for the Armed Forces?

All the descriptions of how it works are profoundly vague. I've watched I don't know how many videos and I still don't understand how it loads and how each round fires (yeah I know its' an electric charge, but how exactly do rounds load and fire - why don't rounds fire behind the live round for example?)

I'd like more information on the development of this company but it seems all shrouded in mystery and gee whiz.
The idea has been around since the 18th century. The problems have always been long range accuracy, ballistics, and reloading. The current company has been around since the 80's IIRC.
The last I heard the Australians (or maybe New Zealand) was on track to field a metalstorm-type stacked munition 40mm grenade launcher. As I recall, Metalstorm is an Australian company, so I guess it makes sense they would jump on the bandwagon before other nations.

If we'll ever see anything come of it over here, I dunno...