Metal detectors at Home Depot?


New member
I went to Home Depot yesterday and upon entering it seems I set off some kind of alarm. Most of you are probably familiar with the noise that happens at some stores when leaving and the cashier didn't deactivate the sensor on a product. This was the exact same sound I got walking in. There were a couple of people about 5 seconds ahead of me and I didn't hear anything but when I walked in - boop boop boop boop boop. I was not carrying any products or bags but did have my S&W Shield IWB. When it went off a couple of people in the service desk area looked up directly at me but nothing else happened.

Does anyone know if stores are scanning for guns now. If so I would not think HD would be the type to do that as I'd be willing to bet a large number of their customers carry every day. I was imagining some guys in the security office watching my every move on the cameras in case I decided to start shooting the place up. :rolleyes:
I'm guessing something on your person (not necessarily your gun) set off the anti-shoplifting RFID scanners. I used to work at a retail store and that happened all the time with people walking in the store. I highly doubt all the people who set it off were carrying a gun since it was in an anti-gun place that pretty much prohibited concealed carry.

If someone walking in the store set off the beeper, we simply ignored it.
Doubt it was your gun. Those system are used to detect a magnetic strip or other items that will trip it to deter shoplifting. Did you have anything magnetic on you by chance?
Yes, that would make more sense. I guess they are trying to prevent folks stealing from walking out the entrance as well as the exit.

I can't imagine what could have been on me. I just had my keys, pocket knife, gun and that was it. Maybe there was something hidden in my clothing. :confused:

My over active imagination at work I suppose.
You more than likely had an item of clothing or something that got out of some store where you purchased it without the magnetic strip being zapped. A home improvement store would be the last place I would expect to have a metal detector.;)
My guess it was just a coincidence. A lot of people go out the entrance if they didn't buy anything, I know I do. Probably the alarm was set off by someone going out the exit but the service desk is near the entrance so when they heard the alarm they looked up and it just happened you were walking in.
I've got a friend and whenever he sets off a store's detector he comes to a dead halt and says very loudly (usually while the alert is still sounding)

After things are cleared up he says to the security folk as they're leaving, loud enough for anyone in the area to hear, "Boy I'm sure glad you guys didn't have that microwave feature turned on!"

Yeah, he's a riot to be out in public with several times I've been glad he does NOT carry.
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If I CC a large handgun that's aligned with my phone, I set off the 'loss prevention' detectors.

Since most are designed to detect magnetic anomalies, I figure a big enough assembly of various metals next to an electromagnetic transceiver fits the bill.
I'm really not sure why I occasionally set off the RF systems (looking for RFID tags).
The door thing is saying "Marco""Marco""Marco""Marco""Marco""Marco""Marco""Marco" when something says "Pollo" the alarm goes off.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday walking into a large store with a gun store in the rear.

I was packing a couple pocket pistols. So I decided that if I set off an alarm I would know they were scanning.... I would just turn around and walk out.

Then call the manager when I got home, to see what they were up to. OR just wait to be contacted then ask what was up with them.
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I would think if it was actually a metal detector, then everybody buying a box of nails or a socket set would be setting it off when they leave the store.

I suspect this is actually RFID scanning.
It is anti-theft RFID system.

It works with a little 1/4" x 1" plastic tag inside a box of a high price item. The sensor tag says "sensormatic" on it.

The tag is basically an antenna with a diode attached, causing the signal to distort when you walk through.
I’ve got a friend who is a manager at Home Depot and I mentioned this to him. He just laughed and said the last thing they want to know is who has a gun. While this might change as of now they’ve been told to take a sort of “don’t ask/don’t tell” approach to guns. I suspect their clientele is maybe a little more open to seeing someone with a gun than you might see a Neiman Marcus.
Before I got one, the wife's cell phone would set them off in HD. They did something one day to her phone and now it doesn't.

I suspect their clientele is maybe a little more open to seeing someone with a gun than you might see a Neiman Marcus.

I have carried there, Nordstrom, Dillard, Macy's, JC Penney, Sears, and so on.

The don't aslk don't tell policy is everywhere, except New Jersey and Maryland.
The local Auto Zone put in some sort of detector at the door about ten years ago. About half the time I'd set it off while leaving. Never on entering, oddly. I have a steel rod in one leg, which has often been an issue with simple metal detectors.

Each time I set it off it turned into a full Keystone Kops event with "sales associates" running toward me, sure they were catching a shoplifter.

I got annoyed enough that when the detector would go off, I'd stay between the detector blades, waving my leg back and forth. After a while, they politely asked me to leave... not too long after that, they either went to a different detector system or simply turned it off, because I haven't set that particular one off in years.

The state courthouse has gone security-crazy, with all traffic funneled through a former service entrance in a single queue, while the old colonnade entrance has its doors chained shut. I got the full security theater the first few times I went in; after that I just kept on walking after the lights and buzzers went off. The security guard never called me back...

The county courthouse has their detectors turned up to "11"; I have to take off my belt, watch, and glasses as well as dumping my change and keys. But I don't think their detectors look much below the waist; they didn't alert at the rod or my steel-toed boots. I bet I could wear some flappy homeboy zoot pants and stuff an underfolder AK-47 down each leg and waltz right on through.
I'd think it more likely that someone else set it off going out the exit door at the same time you were coming in. I've gone in and out of every entrance at the local HD while carrying and never set it off, but they go off all the time on people who went through the self check out and didn't get all the magnets cleared while scanning.
If someone walking in the store set off the beeper, we simply ignored it.
Seems to be the most popular reaction to alarms, cars, homes, stores, 'etc.
Don't worry, just keep on trucking, hardly anyone cares.
Except maybe that new security guard on his first day.