Met retired champion of 14 years past


New member
I just found out that this elderly couple that walked around my block was a highly competitive shooter in 2004, 5 and 6 . He 89 now and struggling with Parkinson's , his name is Clark Shen , they showed me his winnings , he must have at least 75 plaques for 100 , 200 , 300, 600 and 1000 yard first and second place plaques in 30BR & 6ppc. I was blown Away .
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Old time Shooters

We had a trade day at our rifle club. There was a reminder of the value of old time shooters. There was a shooting jacket that belonged to a past president of the club. The badges and medals on the jacket went into the 1950's. The current president was there. One of the old time officers was there on a walker.

I bought two boxes of 338 bullets from a veteran of the Korean War. In these years it looks like everything is going to hell in a hand basket on the outside. Not so here. We are able to connect with with the past as a continues stream. There are some rough edges but nevertheless maintaining. Hope this tradition does not die out with the old timers.
I would never had known the man walking with a walker with his wife at his side , if it wasn't for my wife talking to them as a they walked in our neighborhood that he the 89 year old man was once a competitive shooter . I'm a benchrest shooter but this 89 year old man was World Class and only lived 5 houses away . Glad my wife has a way with words . Now that little old guy is my Hero .
