Message from Mac Scott

Mac Scott

New member
To All:

My thanks to Rich Lucibella for establishing this forum and for honoring Doug and I with charter membership as moderators of the Gunsmithing section. We've met some nice people and have had some interesting conversations.

Unfortunately, as Rich has pointed out, the demands of business have gotten to the point that my time is no longer my own. Something had to give..actually several things had to give; the Firing Line was one of them.

Judging from the quality of his input around here, I'd say that you're in very good hands with George Stringer at the helm. Hopefully George has more time available to tend to the demands of forum moderation. George, I wish you the very best, and thank you for being in a position to take over. If I can ever be of any assistance, you know where I am.

As for the rest of you forum regulars, thanks for your input, your insight and your enlightened conversation over the past few months. I've truly enjoyed my stay here.

Warmest personal regards,

----Mac Scott
Thanks Mac... I congratulate you on your successful business and hope that it will aloow you to visit with us from time to time.

Also, before you disappear, I had a problem with my Mustang today. I had to manually pull the trigger back out (from the bottom) to get it to reset and fire after about 1 out of 3 shots? do you think something is broke??

Seriously, I think you'll be getting a shipment from me after the new year.

Take Care,


Thanks Mac. Please don't be a stranger. I probably will be referring all Colt .380 questions to you anyway so we'll be hearing from you I'm sure. George