Mesa AZ At It Again


New member
Hope this isn't old news.....

All you AZ TFLer's....


In a move more likely seen in California than Arizona, City Councilman
Jim Davidson has announced plans to ban gun shows on city property,
directly affecting the lawful sale of firearms at a half-dozen shows
that take place every year.

The ordinance, which is being "fast-tracked" by Councilman Davidson,
could receive a hearing as early as next week. It is vital that all
interested parties contact the mayor and all city council members as
soon as possible and urge a "no" vote on this measure.

Mayor Wayne Brown 644 2388
Bill Jaffa 644 3771
Vice Mayor John Giles 644 4002
Dennis Kavanaugh 644 3003
Jim Davidson 644 3004
Pat Pomeroy 644 4003
Keno Hawker 644 3772
I don't know why they do this. This was done here in Texas a couple of years ago. Austin, San Antonio, and Houston all did it. The promoter did not care in Austin and San Antonio becasue he uses privately owned buildings, but Houston was a different story. He sued the city in Federal court for violations of his right to excercise free speech, lawful assembly, and freedom of expression, under the 1st amendment and WON! Tell the promoters in your area to get an attorney and do the same thing should it pass, or contact the city council and tell them what happened in Houston with the George R. Brown Convention Center case.