Merry Christmas folks....and save some money for...


New member
the glut of firearms that might be coming back into the markett after the first of the year 2000.......Merry Christmas....fubsy.
Thanks for the advice, Fubsy. However, I think what I'll do is take all those people who bought ARs to the range and teach them how to shoot, instead. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
oh bah more than willing to teach or help out, but you know as well as I do that after the world dosent fall apart, the markett will be a matter of fact i get to take a non shooter to the range here after the first of the year and hopefully change his mind living in a new area and some of the gun store owners and shooters ive been talking too seem to fall on different sides of the issue--the gun store owners Ive talked with are almost salivating over purchasing back those products at a discount(after all there used capitalism ya gotta love it....), did it go for ya up there in your state on ccw?, ive been out of touch for awhile and am curious?....Happy Holidays....fubsy.
What do you think people in California are going to do? I don't think it will be legal to sell an AR-15 (among other things) here in 2000..
I dont know california laws at all so I dont know what is legal or illegal their, I now reside on the other side of the country and have actually only flown out and into calif courtesy of uncle sugar a couple of times....With regards to the people selling them I dont know if its legal their, but are the laws in calif so restrictive att that the firearms cant be taken out of the state if you are close to a border, or possibly sold back to a dealer, or preferably kept or purchased and retained. My last firearms "collection" was sold to an elderly collector and what that man choose to do with them I dont know, I do remember selling them to him at a time prior to any restrictions that might have come about since that time. Now in the state of california and it would depend on risk to my self or property I would probably keep everything on paper regarding sales as they have shown them selves to be less than honorable legislatures but that is a personal choice--remember it might seem like a way to thumb your nose at the basta$$ but once your convicted of a felony because of some bullcrap gun law your chances of having that overturned are null and void in todays politicaly charged atmosphere. I no longer keep a large supply of firearms around and at this point am down to two rifles a 22lr and a 30-06, one shotgun 12ga pump and two pistols, a 1911a1 in 45acp and a s/w 357....Im hoping that after the new year Ill be able to maybe pick up a couple ive never had and try em out for awhile and maybe trade em or sell em soon after-----Ill be looking long and hard for that guy with the jeff cooper scout rifle for sale ---hey a man can dream cant