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member status

I still like the suggestion that I made a couple of months ago where a member's status is determined by the percentage of post in relation to other members ...

... I understand the reason given was that to recalculte a member's status every time they logged in would be a lot of overhead, but the job could run as a batch cron job once a day in the late evening hours. I'm usually logged in around 1 or 2 in the morning as that's when the little one wakes up & wants to play and things are pretty slow around here at that time with a lot of CPU power to spare.<OL TYPE=1><LI> Members who have less than 10% of posts as compared to others would be "New Members.
<LI> Members in the 10-30% range would be "Junior Members".
<LI> Members in the 30-70% range would have a status of "Member".
<LI> Members in the 70-90% range would be "Senior Members".
<LI> Members in top 10% range would be "Chartered Members".</OL>This would create a nice bell shape curve with a majority of members having a status of "Member" instead of the majority being "Senior Members" like it is now.

-- Just a suggestion. How do you like the graphics that I made to illustrate things?

[This message has been edited by FUD (edited August 11, 2000).]
Fud - The graphs are cool. My compliments. :D

Of course, the problem with this approach is that sheer volume of postings does not necessarily equate to sharing of knowledge.

"Charter" or "Senior" members shouldn't be designated as such simply because they have 10 zillion posts containing "LOL!" or "Good stuff - thanks for posting it."

But then, I'm biased. Been around here for 9 months with less than 300 posts to my name. *sniff*


Cliff, I completely agree but the current method of "senior member" after 15 posts also can be a little misleading. I just thought that this would keep things a little interesting. Regards, FUD.
Those thar' are som' perty pichurs Mr.Fud, I wished I cood drawl nice as you. Seriously though, cool graphics, you put too mush thought into it though. The whole senor member after 15 posts is a little weird, I just thought you guys actually liked me!(joking)
We could always have:
Senior Member
Senior Member that is real dedicated
Senior Member that has no weekends out
Senior Member that probably visits no other websites
Senior Member that probably has no job
Senior Member that rarely leaves the home
Senior Member that can't tell you what it is like outside
Senior Member that isn't sure if there is an outside

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrBlonde: ... you put too mush thought into it though ...[/quote]I was attending my bi-weekly staff meeting with my boss. Those things can get real boring and drag on for a couple of hours. Putting those graphics together gave me something interesting to occupy my time with. He even commented to the rest of the team how impressed he was that I was sitting off in the corner typing away on the computer during the meeting.
Fud - too funny! Oh what a productive lad you are and an inspiration to your entire team. Hopefully your bonus will reflect your dedication to the Company.

Mal H - So, if I click my heels together three times, what will this do for me?
Gary, my bonus better reflect getting paged at 5pm in the afternoon on a Saturday to work on a production problem and not going home from the office at 2AM on Monday morning -- 33 hours later. Being a salary employee, that time put in was considered part of the job with no additional compensation in my paycheck and I was expected back in the office on Monday morning. They were however, nice enought to let me start work at 10AM. The few hours that I goof off here and there doesn't even begin to compare to the extra time that they get from me. ;)
Gary - "So, if I click my heels together three times, what will this do for me?"

Give you sore heels!

(Shh, don't tell mongfu about this, but when I looked at his profile and saw he had already made 14 posts - well, I couldn't resist.)
Hey FUD, what did you use to create those graphs with?

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!
KaMaKaZe, I used regular powerpoint and L-Viewer (freeware that you can pick up anywhere on the Web -- not to be confused with L-ViewPro which is shareware) -- if you want, I can send ya a copy along with a step-by-step simple example. E-mail if you're interested.
FUD -- Unix wizard.
Photo was taken a few years ago before I put on 20-30 pounds ;)
I could elevate your status to "Real Swell Member", but we only have one Super Member, and that one's taken. Sorry. ;)
we only have one Super Member, and that one's taken

Yeah, his name is Biggus Dickus.

(sowwy, couldn't wesist...)

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited August 15, 2000).]
Actually I was thinking of Rich. Now I know why you started that "S/p q" thread in the lounge, you were anticipating this thread. :D :D :D