Member of NRA board wants limited magazine capacity

How did this man get on the board of the NRA??? A weapon should be limited to 5 rounds except for police?? No way.
Looks like he needs to be voted off the board.

That is not the official opinion of the NRA.

Below is a response to an email sent to the NRA about Joaquin Jackson:

Thank you for your email.

Recently, concerns have been raised in response to statements made by NRA Board Member Joaquin Jackson to Texas Monthly in 2005. We have received questions from NRA members who are seeking clarity as to NRA's positions on the subject matter discussed in Mr. Jackson's interview. To be clear, NRA supports the right of all law-abiding citizens to Keep and Bear Arms for all lawful purposes. We will continue, as we have in the past, to vigorously oppose any efforts to limit gun ownership by law-abiding citizens as an unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment freedoms. These efforts include opposition to any attempts to ban firearms, including firearms incorrectly referred to as "assault weapons", and any attempts to place arbitrary limits on magazine capacity.

I can assure you that the apparent implications of his statement do NOT reflect the NRA's position. We have long acknowledged the Constitutionally protected right of law-abiding citizens to purchase and possess semi-automatic rifles and "high-capacity" magazines for legitimate purposes.

He is one of 76 Directors elected to the Board of Directors by NRA members. They may choose to vote for another candidate in 2010 if they would like someone else to take his seat.

For more information on NRA's legislative efforts to defend the Second Amendment, please visit and

Thank you again for your email. If you have any more questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (800) 392-8683.


Angus McClellan
NRA-ILA Grassroots"
What, you didn't know that the NRA would bargain your rights away a little at a time so that the big money contributors could continue their bullseye tournaments and shooting trap with $10000+ O/Us until they all die off?

I personaly have found more reasons to dislike the NRA in the 8 months I have been a member than I could find when I was not a member.
I don't see why anyone is upset with the NRA over this. Jackson is elected by the membership, not appointed by the NRA. I suspect he got elected before anyone knew his positions on this issue. I doubt he will be re-elected in 2010.
Sounds like the NRA is coming out of the closet. I've suspected for awhile that they are now owned by the un. Theres only so many board members. By bribing their position with millions apiece, it'll only cost them a billion or so and after America is fallen, they will make trillions and have total control. It's not about money anymore but power and control.

This older gentlman is prolly thinking he is helping his family by being able to leave them a few million when he passes.
the members voted Jackson in, why can`t the members vote to strip his standings. as an elected official, shouldn`t he be representing what the members want?
I don't see why anyone is upset with the NRA over this. Jackson is elected by the membership, not appointed by the NRA. I suspect he got elected before anyone knew his positions on this issue. I doubt he will be re-elected in 2010.


The man was elected by a vote of NRA members. It has nothing to do with the NRA staff. The actions of the Jackson guy vindicates my policy of never voting for a LEO who wants to be on the NRA board.
It just goes to show you how varying the opinions are on gun control...even among gun owners.

I personally do not agree with his approach at all.

Everyone on here probably knows that I am one of the biggest supporters on here of reasonable restrictions but he is taking an approach that I do not think is a successful one.

I do not think banning gun or trying to limit their capabilities is a proven method of control. The restriction should be on the individual and not the firearm. Meaning the restrictions should revolve around the person buying the gun providing information to confirm they are a legal gun owner who is of legal age. I am also okay with taxes on some firearms as long as they are not restrictive. No more than 5-10%. If you are paying $1000 for a firearm you should be able to afford $1050. Taxes are just a part of life and they could be used to fund public gun handling and safety training as well as funding instant background checks.

I also have no problem with regulations concerning non-regulated military forces or militias. Companies or organizations should not be allowed to fund private armies. Just looking at the middle east should convince anyone of that fact.
Taxes are just a part of life....

Yes, as long as people like you vote for politicians who will raise your taxes.

I have never understood the mentality of someone saying.... "Here government, take some more of my money."

If you like to give the government money.... by all means, write them a check. Donate to the government yourself, but don't tell the government to reach in your neighbor's pocket "for the common good". :mad:
Could you please re-title the thread?
He couldn't at this time, but I did.

I wonder if there is an impeachment procedure for members of the BoD? I also wonder if he is the only one with that mindset. Maybe the NRA should have a role call vote, and publish it, just to clarify that point.

This is very old news - happened in 2003, I believe. Jackson later came out to say he meant "assault rifle" as full auto only, and he wanted limited mag capacity for hunters only similar to the limited capacity for shotgun hunters. I don't buy his explanations.
Taxes pay for roads, schools, parks, etc.

To be anti taxation is to be anti-American since sales taxes were a big part of how the founding fathers funded the government and insured the stability of the country.

As James Madison said...

"...a national revenue must be obtained; but the system must be such a one, that, while it secures the object of revenue it shall not be oppressive to our constituents."

They preferred taxation be external but in todays economy that is not very practical. And whether the taxes are charged at the time of import and then the cost passed on to consumers or sold cheaper and taxes collected directly from consumers, the effect is the same.
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It just goes to show you how varying the opinions are on gun control...even among gun owners.

Exactly...Even Bill Ruger (R.I.P.) didnt agree with high cap mags or that hunters needed to/ or should be able to load more than 5 rounds in a rifle.

I love Ruger guns, but i never agreed with his way of thinking. To be fair many employees and those close to him often wondered if he subscribed to this line of thinking simply because he was tired of all the lawsuits and constant negative attention his company was getting from the press.
How did someone this ignorant wind up on the NRA board?

Is George Soros putting up anti's to run for the board now?

Is there any provision for a recall election of a board member?
Jackson has a pretty interesting history and I think maybe his Texas Ranger personna got him elected in the first place.

He was featured prominently in the NRA's print ad campaign.

Here's the interview in 2007 with him explaining the the prior interview. Judge for yourself. I'm still think he shouldn't be on the board. I don't like it when he says if you hunt "they don't need" more than 5 rounds. Sorry Jackson, it's not for you decided what another citizen needs.
Jackson has a pretty interesting history and I think maybe his Texas Ranger personna got him elected in the first place.

Bingo, I remember his NRA resume as being very heavy on TX Ranger heroics and very light on his pro-gun activities.