Mel Gibson


New member
I was recently having a discussion with a friend whether Mel Gibson is pro or anti gun. I say he's anti, she says he's pro. Does anyone have concrete evidence to support which side of the fence he is on? I searched through the archives here and read some comments, but I'm looking for quotes in articles, etc. I know the Lethal Weapon series was directed/produced by an anti, therefore one sees quite a bit of anti-NRA propaganda. Thanks for any help.

-- Scott

[This message has been edited by swehrman (edited May 21, 1999).]
I'd like to know, too. And while you're at it, can someone find out the real deal with Sylvesturd Stallone? I've heard he has a shooting range in his basement but speaks out strongly anti-gun. Any evidence of this?
I've seen posts on the board that say that he is Anti, but I heard an interview in which he sounded very pro, or at least not anti.
He said that in a interview when asked if he was gonna stop doing violent movies because it influences kids to be violent.
(This in not a quote, its a paraphase cuz I don't remember how it went exactly)
No, I won't stop doing violent movies. It's not just Hollywood's fault. The news media is also the blame. If they didn't sensationalize these things, they wouldn't happen as much. its time for the news media to its part of the blame.

It was a TV interview related after the Rosie incident. replayed on the radio. I think it was on replayed on 106.5(KEZR in San Jose) or 106.1 (KMEL in San Franciso)are in the between 8:00 am and 9:00 am on the 5/20/99

Meanwhile, Mel Gibson has spoken out in favour of sex and violence on screen. The backlash in America against Hollywood after the Colorado high school massacre is "silly and misplaced", he said. "It's the gun laws they should be looking at." Gibson, a father of seven, whose last blockbuster Payback was criticised for its gore and sado-masochism, said violence was a part of life and should be represented. "If you do not have transgression you do not have a good story, it's as simple as that," he said. "When something like this happens they always put the blame on movies and TV. It's a bum rap and a bad argument."

[This message has been edited by tankertom (edited May 26, 1999).]
thanks tankertom. I didn't know where to look. thats the quote. i thought were was a part about the news media, but I guess I was remembering things that weren't.
I don't know of any "anti" quotes from Stallone but I do know he is really big into knives. He better watch what he supports because we all know what will come after the guns are gone. The land down under is showing us that.
Heck, Calif is showing us that.

Upcoming AB17( not passed yet) is a bill that has a lot of draconian gun restrictions, but it also has a generic clause of banning all concealable weapons unless one has a license/permit. Concealable weapon is undefined, I believe intentionally.

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