mein kampf

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I was reading this book for historical purposes and there is some extremely suspicious similarities with what the U.S. is doing. the Nazis took out prayer, had extreme gun control ( cali, conn, mass), and A LOT more. very scary once you read this and compare.
The book "The Ominous Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff was written on this very subject 35 years ago.
Not too many folks were listening then, either.
Any more than the German people were in 1928.
No doubt they couldn't imagine the results - their entire country laying in ruins less than a generation later.
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Read Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto.

Compare it to Mein Kampf. Its odd that the two mortal enemies, National Socialism, and Communism are so similar.

Capitalism won over both. Using industrial output and the blood of communism to defeat national socialism in WWII.

As to events today, I'll honor the rules and wishes of the owners of this site.

One should read both and make their own judgements.
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