Meeting with Representative Petersen about silencer bill.


I and one of the members on the Northwest Firearms Forum met with Representative Jamie Petersen in Seattle to discuss House bill 1604. WA is the only state that allows silencers, but prohibits their use. This bill would make an exception for those owners who own them legally. I thought it was amusing that I could not find an American to accompany me to the meeting, but that an Aussie was willing to. But I was happy to have him with as he is a better talker than I am.

We were able to discuss the legalities of silencer ownership and the advantages of their use; particularly hearing protection and reduction of noise pollution. Petersen claims he is not actually against silencer use, but he had over 150 bills to consider and not one person told him that bill 1604 was a priority. So he of course did not take any action on it and let it die, again.

Based on the general attitudes of WA gun owners towards silencers and the number of WA gun owners who tell me I am a criminal for owning silencers, I am not surprised that any Representative hasn't heard enough from their constituents to push this bill.

Petersen made it very clear during the meeting that he needs someone (another Representative) to tell him the bill is a priority. He only gives hearings to those bills that are worthy of the committee's time. And so far according to him, no one in Olympia thinks bill 1604 is worthy of his time. I know I sound like a broken record, but we all need to contact our Representatives and ask them to give this bill some attention.
