Medical Training

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New member
Wondering how often you all take any medical training, or maybe you don't take any! I know that the Red Cross does a very basic First Aid/CPR/AED class that covers the basics. But are there classes where you live that would cover bigger owies? I'm talking major bleeding, car accidents, GSWs, etc?

I keep thinking as a father, and as a self-described sheepdog, I want to be able to help people. If there is some kind of shooting near me, am I more likely to need to shoot a bad guy or stop the bleeding of someone already injured?

I have had to travel quite the distance to find a good EMT advanced first aid class, but I try to take one annually.

I have used this training to SOME extent when stopping at car accidents. Thankfully never had to deal with gunshots or other life-threatening injuries. I did stop at a car accident last year, donned my gloves and dressed a head wound on a lady that smashed her head on her cell phone that was launched into her by her airbag (because she was holding it in her hand!) The paramedics took 20 minutes to get there. I didn't save her life by any means, but I am glad I was there and had SOME training!
The training you are looking for is called TCCC. Tactical combat casualty care.

Tourniquets, Hemostatic agents, wound packing, NPA’s and other airway mgt skills, Chest seals, Needle decompression. All kinds of advanced trauma care.

There are quite a few civilian training companies that are offering this type of training. Google TCCC training
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