Medical misadventures --- again


New member
Upon the rendering of the news yesterday of the re-rediscovery of the
number of Americans killed by medical misadventure, I could not help
myself from rubbing it in. I penned the following letter to the editor of
my local paper and also to one of the large Boston papers.

Well, once again we are reminded that the same doctors who have for years
attempted to ban handguns and firearms in general are themselves killing
four times as many humans as firearms do.

For years firearms owners and shooters have had to put up with the
constant assault from the medical profession, the AMA, and publications
such as the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA). Almost yearly, they produce still
one more "study" that purports to treat gunshot injuries as a "disease".
Usually these "studies" are done under the auspices of the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) and their lackey organization the National Center
for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC). The anti-firearm efforts of
the NCIPC did not go unnoticed by the Congress of the United States and
the funding that was given to the NCIPC by the CDC ($2.6 million) for
these studies was removed from the budget of the CDC.

The fact is that the CDC, through the efforts of, and funding to, the
NCIPC, has been using American tax dollars to wage a war on firearms in
America and has openly demonized lawful firearms owners. Much of this
"work" has been done by Dr. Arthur Kellermann, director of Emory
University's Center for Injury Control and the CDC's favorite firearm
researcher. Kellermann is the researcher who developed the theory that a
person who owns a firearm is 43 times more likely to use the firearm to
kill another person or have it turned on them. That was in 1986 in the
NEJM and Kellermann has yet to release his research for peer review even
though we taxpayers paid for his "study".

In 1992, also in the NEJM, Kellermann again developed another theory that
a firearm in the home increases the risk of suicide by "almost five
times". Again, this research was funded by the CDC with our tax dollars
and has yet to be released for peer review.

It is fitting that those who have been so deceitful to, and contemptuous
of, firearms owners are finally being told to look in the mirror and
clean up their own back yard.
Yes! Terrific letter. Jim, do you mind if I use some of it in Arizona, for a letter to our local editor?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 01, 1999).]
As I recall, that bastion of gun rights and pro-gun activity, the Medical School at Harvard University ran a study a while back. They discovered that "medical misadventure" led to the death of many more americans,the number was IN EXCESS of 100,000 PER YEAR, than died as a result of ANY SORT of shooting incident.

Neither AMA, the outfit or it's journals, nor New England Journal of Medicine ever mentioned anything much about the study, so far as I know. Perhaps there were "other things", that they would rather have spoken about. Could portions of The Medical Establishment actually play "fast and loose" with facts, when same do not quite hue to The Party Line, tell me it isn't so.