Media Bias?


New member
Is it my imagination or what! They spend 20 minutes on Barack and less then a minute on McCain! When I get off work at 2:00 AM there is nothing on the Network TV but Him and Hill doing the Hoot!

Just my thoughts

Please don't kill the Messenger.

Well, the DNC is going on right now. So it's not surprising that the Democrat might be getting more coverage than the Republican this week. If this situation does not reverse itself next week (during the RNC) then you'll have a point.

Not suggesting that this won't be the case, of course, just suggesting why there's a valid reason the Democrats would be getting more coverage at the moment.
Media bias has been bad and is getting worse. MSNBC is the official Barack Obama news network. Time and Newsweek both have had Saint Obama on its cover 3 or 4 times as often as McCain. The liberal media has been enthralled with this man for the last year. They live on words and images, not deeds. So a candidate like Obama who presents a strong image and says the words they want to hear, i.e., hope and change and don't worry, I will solve all of your problems and do it with "rich" people's money" is music to their ears. That a totally inexperienced individual can start his run for the presidency almost the day he started in the U.S. Senate and get a major party nomination is frightening. Prior to being a U.S. Senator his total life experience has been as a party-hack Chicago machine state senator and a "community organizer" (whatever that is). The media clearly favored Gore in 2000 and Kerry in 2004, but their fawning over Obama has taken media bias to new levels of absurdity.
Media bias is he worse now then I have seen in my 60+ years I actually disregard most of what I see on tv media, their out of touch and limited in thinking.
MSNBC basically declared themselves Obama Headquarters several months ago. They said, ON AIR, that they want him to be president. There's objective press for you.

There's at least a little bias evident everywhere if you pay attention. I watch Fox News because IMO they have the least bias. Not none, but less.
I'm almost stopped watching the news. The major media couldn't appear more biased if the dressed in cheerleader outfits complete with pompoms.
There's at least a little bias evident everywhere if you pay attention. I watch Fox News because IMO they have the least bias. Not none, but less.

I watch Fox news in the morning and MSNBC in the evening and I'll agree with you that MSNBC is biased towards Obama. I'll disagree with you regarding Fox's having less bias towards McCain however. I think Fox is just as over the top for McCain as MSNBC has been for Obama. I don't support either McCain or Obama but I think it is interesting to see each network's coverage of the race so far.

I'm almost stopped watching the news. The major media couldn't appear more biased if the dressed in cheerleader outfits complete with pompoms.

I'm with you, I've scaled back my viewing habits as well. I've watched virtually nothing this week due to the coverage of DNC.
Obama is the darling of the media, print as well as television, and they give him constant mostly positive coverage. Even the Clintons weren't able to overcome that.

Network television clearly has a liberal, pro Democrat, bias.
All we can do is boycott the news completely on any station that we feel has an obvious bias, but will not say so, and still claims to be objective, fair and balanced news coverage. If we keep watching it regardless, they will have no reason to ever be fair.
Yeah, I guess it's a good thing the Dems found somebody who the media actually likes more than McCain. Not an easy task, really. McCain's been getting big sloppy......well, let's say McCain's been treated pretty well by the media over the last decade or so. IIRC, he's one of the most featured (if not the most featured) guests on The Daily Show, which isn't exactly a conservative show.

I'm not saying that Obama isn't getting more positive coverage, just to be clear. I just think it's funny that McCain supporters of all people would complain about such things...he's been everybody's favorite "maverick" for a while now, to the point where you'd be hard-pressed to find much in the way of negative coverage of up before he won the Republican nomination.
How often do we hear how the american people are dissatisfied with President Bush but rarely hear that congress has an approval rating 10 points below the President. Yet, the media keeps telling us that America is looking for change and this is why Obama will likely beat McCain. Then they flip around and tell us how dissatisfied the american people are with Republicans and this is why democrats will increase their margins in congress. Huh? Why should the democrats, who control congress, make gains when their approval ratings are below the President's approval ratings. That seems to be turning the data upside down, in my opinion. The one thing I can come up with is that the media believes that so many folks will turn out for Obama and so few for McCain, that the votes for democrats in congress will also ride those coattails. But what if Obama is a bust and McCain wins? What happens to congress then? Do the dems lose or gain seats? Help me, I'm a bit confused. :confused:
Why should the democrats, who control congress, make gains when their approval ratings are below the President's approval ratings.

It's been a couple months since I've really looked but I seem to remember that while Congress's approval ratings are in the gutter, the Democrats in Congress actually had higher approval ratings than the Republicans. Basically, Congress sucks but Republican Congressmen suck more (at least according to polling data).

Considering that one tactic used by the Republican delegation since the Dems achieved a slim majority in the Senate was the threat of (or actual) filibuster, it's not surprising that the people might hold them accountable for Congress's lackluster performance.

And it would also make sense that if Congressional Democrats have a higher approval rating than their Republican counterparts, that they might make gains in one or both houses.
Yesterday Bill O'reily caught Tom Brokaw citing a Denver poll where Obama was leading McCain despite the fact that there was a more recent poll with a higher sample that showed McCain ahead.

Bias or ignorance, either one isn't good for a news station.
I agree with everyone here about the media and Barack Obama. The mainstream media has pretty much decided that he IS our next president as far as they are concerned.

About the only thing I can watch anymore on the news networks is the "O'Reilly Factor". Love him or hate him, but IMHO hes the only one that tells the truth and puts people in their place.
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MSNBC is the official Barack Obama news network.
You forgot the OTHER official let's-elect-Obama network: CNN.

I agree totally though, as long MSNBC is selling Keith Olbermann to the public as an honest journalist, they can make no claims about being fair or objective. They've become an unapologetic propaganda wing of the Democratic party.
The folks at CNN do act like Obama is alread POTUS. Certainly are fond of the man. Objective or unbiased, no way.
Media bias has been with us since before our founding fathers worked so hard to create the America we are privileged to enjoy. What has changed is that earlier in the last century, the media pretended to be unbiased. And sometimes they actually were. The pendulum is swinging back towards the days of our founding when bias was in the masthead of the organization. Now our media still pretends to be unbiased, but alternative media, especially the internet, exposes the hypocrisy. Far from being unhappy, I'm ecstatic about how blatant they are. All the sooner for them to be forced to wear their scarlet letter.