Media at it again


New member
I don't know if this has gained national attention yet but it is all over the papers here in WI. Some kids at a high school were apparently plotting to kill a bunch of students and teachers. Some of the kids got nervous and backed out and one tipped off the police. Media is making a huge stink over the thing. Today's paper headline read "Boys caught in school-attack plot could have obtained guns" Never mind the fact that the boy who had access to the guns was one of the ones who backed out once he realized they were serious. Or the fact that they didn't get guns. They "Could have" if they really wanted to. Just about any kid in WI has access to guns. I know because I'm 16. Hunting is a big thing around here. I know where the keys to our gun case are. The papers make it sound like its a big deal for a teenager to be able to touch a gun. The bad part about all of this is is that most kids my age who are likely to become politicians and the like don't know the first thing about guns. The ones who do don't give a hoot about what goes on. Oh well just venting some steam.

When I was in high school we hatched two main plots.One was to blow up the high school and the other was a plan to simultaneously rob every bank in town.The bank plan was brilliant!

We didnt do the planning as criminals or even potential criminals.It was a mental exercise mostly.

Society has become aware of school shootings and it is a whole new cause.

Better days to be,
