MEC's book


Just finished reading MEC's book from cover to cover. It was too windy to shoot, to dry to plow and I don't want to do any fencing.

I really wish I had bought the book before I bought my 51 Navy and 58 Remi. The book is fantastic. It's an easy read and very well set up. I thouroughly enjoy it. But after reading all about revolvers, I wish I had bought a plains pistol or target pistol. The revolvers have too many springs, hammers, levers, and widgets that seem to break very often. Being a complete dummy on gunsmithing and all things mechanical, I'll shoot my pistols until they break and then buy a simple, easy to clean and shoot plains pistol.
Most of us are not gunsmith's per say, just became interested in being able to fix our own. Once you get hooked on shooting, the other comes along. These fixes aren't mindboggleing usually just replacing a broken part with a new one. once you have disassembled and re-assembled your revolvers several times to thouroughly clean them, you have the hard part learned. Also you have Mec's book for help.
However when you break them and feel youy must go to single shot percussion pistols, you cen send the broken ones to me. LOL:eek: :rolleyes: :)

What you gonna do when a part breaks in the plains pistol? Throw it away, too? Where do you go then? Stones?

They're not hard to replace parts in. Minimal fitting, more often than not, none.

Keep at it, you might learn you are not as all thumbs as you think you are.


According to Mike, you can get the e-book from The advantage of the e-book is that his pictures come out terrific. On the printed version they're not given justice. You can check out his photography at our sister site,
The e-book comes up with an search for the title "Percussion Pistols and Revolvers." Since the book is not geared toward promoting the industry and increasing sales, It is not the sort of thing that will be picked up by a major publishing company. It is a bit too candid about industry practices and quality issues for that. The book is printed at my expense based on what I can reasonably afford to spend. For this reason, the illustrations are your basic laser prints- better than many of the black and white illustratons in a lotof early 20th century books but not up to the state of the art color printing technology.

This will give an idea about the quality of the illustrations - which varies from reasonalby sharpt to "muddy" depending on the amount of ink in the iUnverse pressses.

Actually, in regard to frequency of broken parts and repairs, I was pleasantly surprised with the current run of Uberti revolvers. Much better than I had experienced in the past several decades. I started out doing the research for the book with a strong preference for the high quality single shots but nowfind the revolvers extremely interesting and reasonably easy to maintain.

I would add that the book is a compilation of direct experiences-in some cases fairly wide-reaching and in others based on only one or two guns and limited testing of components. It is by no means the final word on the subject and I find I am learning much from the experiences of other shooters on these two boards checking many of them out for myself as time permits. Those interested in the field and still in a learning mode seem to find it useful but I doubt it will suit internet experts and omniscient Foremost! Authorities! such as have been cheerfully absent on the firing line and highroad black powder forums.

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