MD gun laws?


I am currently living in GA were the laws a great. How ever i'm getting ready to move to MD (yes partly my choice). I am trying to find info on what the laws are to buy guns or have them transfered. I have read that is a 7 day waiting period. What id do i need to have? I currently have GA id but will be getting a new one in VA however living in MD. I am military thus the reason why. Would i be better off just doing all business in VA since i have my CCW there?
I don't have a choice but to live in MD. Guess I'll be traveling to VA to purchase my guns then. Damn that sucks oh well.
You can't skirt your state of residence laws by buying out of state. Federal law says the purchase has to be in compliance with the state of purchase and your state of residence. (Assuming MD even allows its residents to buy long guns out of state; I don't know if they do.) Being military may help, as you may be able to claim VA as your state of residence as that's where your orders show, but be very, very careful.
My friend lives in MD. He has a FAL, two Arsenal AK's, a Sig 229 and a couple others that escape my memory.

Mags are a problem, as is the 'travelling' clause that states you MUST be going directly to and from a range with no stops inbetween when transporting a firearm. No CCW either.

Absolutely live in VA if at all possible. MD just isn't worth it, for various reasons.
only states worse than MD are NJ and/or Hawaii(in my opinion) when it comes to firearm restrictions in some form or another. From what I understand its very tough to get a permit and/or lengthy. how close to VA are you? it seems you are living off base. the military should help in VA so I think you can purchase there if the VA id is a valid reason, but you're screwed if you get caught in MD(unless you Legally buy in VA and keep the firearms in your place of residence except travel from range to home+viceversa). I feel for you man! I grew up in Mass and thought that was bad; turns out theres worse(FID card needed in mass to buy pepper spray though. LMAO)

anyways we've been in VA since 05 and thats where my wife was born and raised- 3 commonwealths in america and I have lived in two(mass+VA).

definately check out as previously suggested(very good information)
Maryland has a banned gun list. You cant own some things there. It is illegal to buy, sell, or transfer a magazine over 20 rounds in MD, however not illegal to possess. There is a waiting period for handguns and "assault weapons" of 7 days. You may only take possession of one handgun or assault weapon a month, however, you can get around this by getting collectors status with the state police. It easy and free, but takes a long time. At one point, I had 5 guns in the shop paid for that I had to wait to pick up. there is also, "Voluntary" registration in MD. It isn’t really because you have to do it to get a gun from a dealer. Also, there are no private transfers of firearms that are assault weapons or handguns. Those have to be transferred though an FFL.

You will have to check the list to make sure your stuff is legal in MD. If it isn’t on the list, it isn’t aloud in the state. Check under the firearms section.

I think that was about all the BS I had to deal with. Sorry for your rotten luck.
Also, no loaded magizines can be kept in the car, or they will hit you with illegal carry. That counts for speed loaders too. Firearms are only to be in the car when you are going to and from the range, or gunsmith, or a residence.

I am so glad I moved.

Don't do it ! VA is right there, your better off !
Pennsylvania is good too, you can open carry in PA. without a Permit except in Philadelphia where a permit is required. Philly is the only city in PA. that are a bit stricter, but it's not bad. If your a law abiding citizen you have nothing to worry about. Also, PA. honors outside states concealed carry permits. You could apply for a carry permit at the Dept. of Agriculture in Florida and it's honored in PA.
As long as Uncle Sam owns you, your rights are third on the list anyway. When you get out/retire/etc, find a better place for laws. AZ comes to mind...
armored, Arizona is starting to kick some ass. no permit needed to CCW since july same day immigration law passed and now this law lookin good this winter(this is from cnn news internet website):

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- On November 2, you'll vote on a proposition that would make hunting and fishing in Arizona a constitutional right.

Supporters of Proposition 109 say they're making a pre-emptive strike against any threat to hunting in Arizona.

Arizona voters will be asked whether to put the "right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife lawfully" on par with freedom of religion, free speech and the right to bear arms. The proposal also would give the Legislature the exclusive authority to regulate hunting and fishing.

Critics of Proposition 109, which include environmental groups, say it's unnecessary because there are no real threats to hunting and fishing in the state. They contend it's a power grab by politicians.
powergrab or not, gun rights, hunting, and a bunch of other stuff is starting to sway in our direction(other examples: chicago gunban overturned, DC same thing, etc)//people want their freedoms back&are starting to realize too many laws doesn't stop the criminals or make sense