MD gets 'Tough' on Gun Laws

Mike in VA

New member
Watching the news this AM, saw some weenie from the state AG's office was talking about getting tough on felons with illegal handguns. It seems that they've discovered that the Federal laws have 'teeth' with mandatory sentences, vs. MD laws that only allow for a five yr sentence, all of which is is paroleable (too many liberal judges and parole boards??). While we figured this out in VA 2-3 years ago (Project Exile), and I'm puzzled about why it took them so long to figure it out, why can't they change the state laws to be more stringent if they're really serious? To me, the less the Feds are in anyone's business, the better -

Still, I guess this is a good sign in that they're going to try and use and enforce exisiting laws. OTOH, they're also being very silly about trying to mandate 'smart' guns (I prefer smart owners, myself) and such. I guess this is progress (such as it is) in the People's Republik of Merryland - M2
I think someone in MD looked across the river and saw the EXILE sign posted upon entry into NoVA. If the case is accepted by feds, it means they spend the $s to prosecute and imprison vs the state.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
As far as AG Curran is concerned all guns should be illegal. This sounds to me like pre-legislative session positioning to balance Glending's smart-gun BS. It should be interesting how this plays out in Baltimore where most of the gun related crimes in the state occur. The new mayor, O'Malley, is Curran's son-in-law and a former prosecutor.
The one thing that scares the Hell out of the feds is that their inane (insane?) laws will actually be enforced and the cases dropped squarely in their laps.

LaPierre has been bemoaning this for years and for those same years I have been writing him and asking one simple question:

With all of the members we have in the NRA, why don't we form our own Gray Panthers, per se, and have them monitor the police blotters for these gun criminals and then file a formal citizen's criminal complaint at the office of the federal AG's office in their state?

This is too simple. If we, NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc, did this the feds would be inundated by criminals so that their system would be clogged to the breaking point. Let them see what their "it makes me feel good" legislation can do. I am sure we have many dedicated retired people who would be willing to participate in such a program.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited December 08, 1999).]
more news for MD:
Smart Gun Task Force Recommendations

On December 1, 1999, the Governor's Task Force on Childproof Guns
published its report and recommendations for consideration by the
Governor. The recommendations are as follows:

* Require that a person may not sell or offer for sale in this State a
handgun manufactured after January 1, 2003 unless it is manufactured
with incorporated design technology allowing the handgun to be fired
only by authorized users.

* In the interim, require that by January 1, 2002 any new handguns sold
in Maryland be equipped with an integrated mechanical safety device to
prevent children and other unauthorized users from firing the handgun.

* Call for a legislative resolution seeking continued federal funding
for development of user restricted gun technology and consider tax
credits or grants on the State and federal level for anyone conducting
personalized gun research and development.

* Give tax credits starting in tax year 2000 to encourage the purchase
of gun safes/vaults and locking devices for all firearms.

* Amend the Application to Purchase a Regulated Firearm (form 77R) to
provide the purchaser the following warning: "Children can operate
firearms which can cause severe injury or death. By law, you must
prevent access by minors to loaded firearms. If a minor obtains and
improperly uses your firearm, you may be fined up to $1,000."

* Enhance existing gun laws to protect children
Note: No vote was taken on this item, the Task Force decided to allow
the Governor's legislative staff to make the decisions on any
enhancement of the current gun laws.

* Provide continued vigorous law enforcement and support for programs
such as the Federal DISARM Program, the Maryland State Police Firearms
Investigation Unit and Baltimore City's Firearms Investigation and
Violence Enforcement Unit.

* Prohibit any person who as a juvenile has been found to have committed
a violent delinquent act from possessing firearms until age 30, but in
no event may such a person possess a handgun within 10 years of any
adult misdemeanor or felony conviction obtained before age 30.

* Require that all guns confiscated by law enforcement agencies in the
State be destroyed and prohibit the sale, barter or exchange of (police)
duty weapons.

* Require ballistic fingerprinting of all new handguns prior to sale.

* Require the Police Training Commission in conjunction with the
Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Police Force and
private sector organizations to develop standards for safe gun use, and
require by January 1, 2002 all gun purchasers to submit evidence of
certified firearms safety training.

* Recommend a firearm surveillance system that tracks the medical
consequences and health care costs of firearm injury.

John H. Josselyn, Legislative Vice President
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
P. O. Box 20102
Towson, Maryland 21284-0102

[This message has been edited by dZ (edited December 08, 1999).]