McCain's out of touch economic plan


New member
McCain now proposes to stimulate the economy by temporarily removing the Federal fuel tax. At 18.4 cents per gallon how much stimulation can you generate. Last year I purchases the most gas I have ever purchased as I did a major amount of traveling for a vacation across the lower 48. Personaly I drove my truck over 10,000 miles for that vacation. So for the sake of computing my potential stimulation package this summer I'll do the math as follows: 10,000 mile @ 10 mpg equals 1,000 gallons of gas. At 18.4 cents per gallon I'll have $ 184 to stimulate with.

OPS gas here went up 24 cents per gallon two weeks ago. Gee if I do all the math it seems like gas increases are 25% more than the stimulus I'll get. And gas prices are predicted to increase even more over the summer. So please Senator McCain tell me how this is going to stimulate my economy.

Maybe it in the second part of his plan where he call for a 10% reduction in corporate taxes. It must be those corporation are all going to lower prices by some amount is where I'll see the savings.

Overall McCain is calling for over 16 trillion in tax savings over the next ten years with no idea on how that amount would affect the national debt, the federal deficit or the federal budget. 16 trillion over ten year is 1.6 trillion a year or roughly 50% of the 3 trillion dollar national budget. Now maybe I'm just a pessimist but I believe McCain's plan relies on some magical apparition where the 16 trillion dollars will be replaced by some volunter donation. Otherwise his plan is not going to work.
Well gas prices would be lower, encourages more people to travel, when the travel they spend, on hotels, restraunants, that wonderful $5.00 ash tray that say "Grand Canyon" (oops sorry not PC, that $15.00 t-shirt that says "My family went to the Grand Canyon and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt).

As for the 10% decrease in Corporate Taxes, good, that means a higher divedend check for me from the stocks I own. Or maybe the possibly of re-investing in my companies infrastructure, which may increase the amount of people I can hire (and thus those people can also pay taxes), or buy that spiffy new machine that makes my widgets faster.

(when money is taken away from the Federal Goverment, it is put to work, it is not stuffed into mattresses somewhere)

I would be very happy overall to see the Federal Goverment getting less money. Less money, less money for programs, therefore less intrustion into a lot more peoples lives. Overall sounds good to me.
Drive slower, use less gas:)

I'm adapting to Euro gas prices. Iget 20mpg around town. I drive slower and don't jackrabbit (I love guys in 10mpg ttrucks jackrabbiting and then whining about gas prices). I combine trips. SWMBO takes the bus more.

You want to drop oil prices...use less gas.

Life is good.

WildlifeisgreatAlaska ™
Orrrrrrrr...we could do just the opposite under Hillary or Obama and raise taxes on everyone and everything to help the economy! That'll encourage people to spend more of their dollars, right?? Of course not. When you have less to spend, you spend less. Sounds painfully obvious, but aparently it isn't.

There is one thing that I don't think you can deny, corporations and manufactuers WILL raise the price of their products and services if/when their taxes are raised to offset the loss of profits. The consumer will suffer the most.

The other possibility is that a lot of companies will go out of business, which means less competition. That's usually not a good thing either.
So please Senator McCain tell me how this is going to stimulate my economy

So do you like Hilary or Obama's plans better?

IMHO, the stimulation of the economy is the last reason I'd vote for someone. Big suprise, a proposed tax cut isn't going to make us rich...

Who cares... is mccain still not the lesser of the three evils.
what needs to happen is the lowering of government tax on oil.. let the oil companies expand and make more money on the oil they make. we spend between 3-4 on a gallon of gas. after cost of operations and the taxes the governments takes out of it which is about 60cents the gas companies avg around 8 to 10 cents per gallon or profit. all the government wants to do is tax big oil.. when the government is the real crook in this scenario. if anyone has any business sense you would see that the oil companies are getting the raw end of the deal. and we need to start drilling our own oil.
Reducing the amount of Federal gas tax will mean that each gallon of gas costs less. Of course, if you would like to continue paying 18 cents more per gallon, you can still donate the extra money to the gas station. Alternatively, you can donate it to the government when you file your federal tax return.

Reducing the American tax on corporations (which is one of the highest in the world) will serve as an incentive for corporations to base their operations in America. Which means more jobs in America.

Less taxes and more jobs. Sound pretty in touch to me. ;)
where is the economy going to do better

back to the original question. Where is this going to be the salvation for the economy? We all like to pay less and save more. I'm not against paying less I just want to know where once I pay less taxes from pocket A when the money from pocket B is going to going to be called for. I call that reality as there is no free lunch nor is the government going to operate without income. Those who want to believe the government will do without as a result of these plans are not facing reality.

I don't like the plans that any of our future leaders have. All are promising things they can not deliver over the long term. But believing the government if going to change its way and simply cut the budget is believing in the make believe world of Disney. Tell me how the cost in Iraq will be lower simply becasue of the proposed tax reduction. Show me where the new way to get the revenue is going to be.

A 3 trillion dollar budget certainly has some fat that can be eliminated. But when you start to talk about how much you should be providing numbers and not just talk. In the past a lot of the budget reductions were accomplished by privatizing things. That always sounds god until you find out what the privatization cost you.

Simplest example:
Eliminating highway tax sound good at the pump until you drive on roads that are in such disrepair that a VW Bug can go missing in the potholes. We don't like the gas tax but we certainly want the roads in drivable condition. So no gas tax for roads where will the finds come from?

Alternative private highways where you pay as you go.

In either case you are still paying.

As for the economy just how long can we keep believing the candidates that we can untax ourselves out of the emerging recession. Sooner or latter we will not have any taxes to give back. Then what: government borrowing to give stimulus refunds?
Well, I still want to hear an alternative plan other than this plan sucks.

What do you want to cut?
What and who do you want to tax?

That's about all there is to it.
I don't see a problem with McCain's plan other than it's not as draconian as I would like. I read about it in the paper today. The Dems were complaining that it would "bankrupt the federal government".

So where's the downside? :D
The man who knows the most, and what would be best for OUR country not some other 3rd world country. Is Ron Paul. It might sound crazy to a lot of people, but Ron Paul wants to actually take care of OUR country. Not some other country. Everyone should have done research for themselves and not listen to what all the news channels say about candidates. Now were going to either get McCain, who is 5 times worse than Bush. Or some guy who worships Africa every morning. You have to be either be completely crazy to actually vote for a someone (McCain) who is looking to do the same things Bush is. Only worse. Or some guy who opposes the war, then funds the war, then opposes it again, and guess what? He funded it again. All I ask is you look up Ron Paul, then see what a huge mistake you made.

A pissed off American
Hillary and Obama are proposing the same failed strategy that was proposed and followed by Jimmy Carter when we were on the brink of a recession when he came into office. Freeze gas prices, freeze interest rates charged by banks on loans, raise taxes. Do you like 17% interest rates on mortgages?
Do you like Stagflation?

Jimmy also deregulated the S&L's without keeping an eye on what they were doing, this led to the S&L bailout 6 years later.

They are both proposing the Jimmy Carter economic plan which ignores the effect of free markets, history has proven it will be a disaster for the economy!!!
Want to lower gas? Then start drilling here! We have massive oil reserves in this country and just off our shores. But again the environmentalist wackos are controlling things and pushing us towards third world status. We cant drill off our shore but guess who has plans to? Japan. The environmentalist are the new approach to socialism.
What is your plan?

My plan is simple: leave everything alone and let the economy sort itself out. There are always ebbs and flows. The stimulation package Bush has developed is garbage, and will do little to stimulate anyone's economy but the Chinese. The McCain plan will encourage people to use more gas, which will ultimately drive the price of gas further up.

The most important thing we can do to help the economy is make the Bush tax cuts permanent, or even increase them, then quit spending so much on unnecessary wars and government programs, and then stay out of the way of private enterprise.

Want to lower gas? Then start drilling here!

I disagree. It is in our national interest to use up the oil of foreign countries before we use up our own supply.
I agree in principle but there comes a point when the high cost adversely effects the rest of the economy. As china and india continue to grow this will only get worse. I’ve heard estimates of the amount oil in this country lasting over 200 years. Thats with projected growth. In that time frame offer incentives to energy companies, not with tax breaks but with exclusivity to the marking of alternative sources of energy. This will make it worth while for them to do R&D for other energy alternatives.
The government can slow the rise of gas prices if they will stabilize the dollar. Oil is tied to the dollar and our dollar is going down in value on the world market because the private banks which print our money are increasing the money supply (printing new money and loaning it out as credit) without any fundamentally sound justification. This causes the dollar to weaken in value and prices then rise to offset the less valuable dollar.

If the US would demand that the private bankers in the Federal Reserve would increase interest rates (decrease money supply), then the value of the dollar would rise and the price of oil would drop.

Some people say that the economy is sound because the stock market is not going down. Well, that's not entirely true because the value of the dollar is much less today than it was 8 years ago. Thus, 12000 for the dow today has a real value of about 9500 due to a weak dollar and resultant inflation-- that's nearly 30% less value.

The economic situation we are in here in the US is much more dire than what you hear about in the media. and none of the candidates for President (McCain, Hillary, Obama) are smart enough to fix it because they don't even understand the gravity of the problem.