McCain Leads by 10 Over Obama, Clinton...

I am surprised there is only 10 points of difference. Given the ugliness of the democratic primary, I would expect to see McCain leading by more than that. I think this may be a harbinger of bad things to come for McCain.

I am watching public television as I write this, and according to the Pew Research Center, Hillary and Obama are both leading McCain by about 5 or 6%.
Polls in March mean nothing when the election is in November.

McCain will lose this election because he is a liberal, not a Conservative. Turn out among Republicans is very low because many Conservatives do not like McCain. Some will hold their nose and vote for McCain. Others, like me, will refuse to sacrifice their conservative principles by voting for a liberal such as McCain.
polls are somewhat useless

Should McCain drop out was the consensus question of the polls a few months ago. It was all but history that he was going to loose. Now the polls are reversed and the other candidates are suppose to fear the results.
Everything can change next week, but the astounding part is not McCain's 10 point lead, but the negatives.

McCain is now viewed favorably by 56% of voters nationwide and unfavorably by 41%. Obama’s reviews are 46% favorable and 52% unfavorable. For Clinton, those numbers are 44% favorable, 54% unfavorable.

Look I understand it's March, however thats quite a swing.
nate45, I hear you. But there will be many more swings like this in the next 8 months. We haven't even seen the first game of the baseball season yet. The election will come after the world series is over. That's a long time.
the game is not even scheduled

until the primary is over the game is only tentatively scheduled. The big issues are well undercover at both party headquarters. There is little to gain by attacking you opponent this far in advance. You do not take your best shot early and hope you will not require some backup latter. You want to minimise your opponents chance to recover from a direct hit; time is the enemy of those actions. Even if the contest was down to one candidate from both parties a few of the issues would still lurk in the background. That is politics.