McCain is looking good


New member
I would have to say that Senator John McCain is looking good as the GOP canidate in 2000. First of all he is pro-gun, he is a vietnam veteran, but most importantly, he speaks his mind and stands behind what he says 100%. I know that he has taken some flak from people on this board for calling for ground troops in Kosovo, but if you read what he said, his opinion is that if we are going to commit forces to ending the fighting in Kosovo, then we should play to win and pull out all of the stops. In my opinion, he knows what he is talking about. He spent 5 1/2 years as a POW in a war where the government did not go all out to win. I think that he would be a great President, but Bush looks mighty good also. I'll be keeping my eye on both of them.-Justin
If I'm not mistaken, McCain was for the assault weapons ban, either that or he is against it's repeal. I know there is some thing that took him off of my list a long time ago.

He may be better than Bush anyway. I'm afraid Bush will sell us out if the going gets tough.

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Lets not forget Dan Quayle. Before you point out his faults do two things:
1. Look at his strengths.
2. Remember that bubba got elected warts and all.

Better days to be,

I heard Col. Hackworth opinion of Cain and it wasn't favorable. Sure the poor guy got captured but he also broke and conspired with the enemy, Additionally, I believe Hack stated that Cain only spent 5 hours actual time over Vietnam. Cain hasn't any idea what the grunts on the ground face. For once I'd like to see a non- politican get the job. Someone similiar to our First president. Forbes is the only one I can think of.

"Solidarity is the Key"
I heard that story about McCain too.He got shot down,busted-up and mistreated.Hard to say how much you and I (Hack too)could tolerate in the same situation. Five hours in an aircraft over Vietnam could certainly be exciting.I just dont like him.

Better days to be,


[This message has been edited by Ed Brunner (edited May 13, 1999).]
GuttSmoke: With no disrespect intended: #1- Hackworth is sometimes as full of **** as a Christmas turkey about a lot of things, regardless of how many decorations he won. #2- John McCain didn't "conspire" with the enemy...they can always break you if they keep you long enough. There is no dishonor in taking all you can both physically and mentally, but finally breaking. Although I've never been a POW, I have been through SERE school. Trust me, they can break ANYBODY. Admiral Jim Stockdale (one of my personl heroes) is a noted exception. Even he could have broken if it had gone on any longer. BTW, I'm not a McCain fan.

[This message has been edited by Mike Spight (edited May 13, 1999).]
I understand that after ungodly amounts of abuse Stockdale tried to kill himself because he knew he couldnt hold out any longer and he had info that they wanted badly.I too consider him a genuine hero.

Better days to be,

I'm unsure about McCain as a politician but have no doubts about the man's personal honor and integrity. Recall he was the son of an admiral, and the NVA were going to let him go as a concession. He refused unless they'd release all prisoners, they wouldn't so he remained a POW for a few more years.
And that pissed off the NVA big time, and they made McCain pay.
That is public knowledge...attack the man on his political stance, fine...his honor is beyond reproach

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Ed: That's correct. If I remember correctly, the torture had become so bad that Stockdale tried to drown himself in a bucket of filthy water.
DC: You too, are correct. McCain refused any concessions (his father, ADM McCain, was CINCPAC), specifically early release, unless the same privilege was provided to his fellow POWs. Although not a fan politically, I have tremendous respect for him as a soldier and man.
One other small (?) thing in McCains favor. He, along with Senator Jon Kyl voted to kick Slick Willie out of office.
Paul B.
McCain wanted to ban "extreme" fighting also.

I don't like him or trust him either. Politicians and personal honor? McCain endured a lot bad sh*t in Vietnam. Good and bad can endure. And that "endurance" is admirable. McCain's current and past actions in politics make him simply "bad" to me. (But better than Dole by long shot still.)
Re:Stoskdale-He cut an artery with a small piece of glass.He had info that would have cost a lot of US lives.

Better days to be,

Oh damn. I knew for a fact that McCain had voted against the Brady Bill in '94, I found that out last night while doin some reasearch. But just now I was checking his press release page and he announced today that he is cosponsoring an amendment that would force background checks at gunshows by everyone selling anything. Well he just lost my support.
If anyone wants to read the pr go to
That amendment just passed and of course McCain was one of the few Republicans supporting it.

Better days to be,

That's it! This letter is going out.

Senator McCain,

I was appalled to see your position on the Kosovo crisis. And wanted to let you know that we should not even be involved. We have a higher obligation to solve our own domestic crisis, than we do to run around and solve everyone else's. Once we get our own house in order, then we can consider helping others, as they request it! Not as it is forced upon them!

This is a situation that goes back centuries between these two groups of people. And it is my understanding that they don't even want us there.

First we essentially disarm them through an embargo, and then we come back ready to save them?! Let's give them back their weapons and let them fight it out themselves.

Should you be successful in sending troops into this country, then certainly their needless deaths will be upon your head, and anyone else's who condones such action.

I was hoping that your action was to undermine president clinton's usurpation of the congressional perogative to call for war, however, it appears that this is not the case.

Also, your vote to put one more nail in the coffin of the 2nd Amendment by voting for background checks (something which has no real effect on abuses by those that wield guns unlawfully) at gun shows, cries out of your violation of your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Any consideration for your presidential bid that I have given you has been lost by your position on these issues.

It is my understanding that you have turned your back on our Constitution through compromise on several other occasions.

We don't need another Turn-coat in our country's top office, nor in any other official capacity, like Senator.

Just what was it that you fought for in those wars you served in?




"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
John I wrote an email almost word for word of what you wrote the minute i got up this morning. I'm ashaned that I actually thought he would be a good president. Live and learn. The moral of this story...We have no major party backing us!! All they care about is what the media feels. What ever happened to good ol' stand behind your convictions, toeing the line and fighting until you are the victor or your mangled body is dragged out of the circle? I guess those ideals went out of fashion with the ideas that Rights are NOT priveleges. It's a good thing that there are still those of us that do not feel things like that are old fashioned.

Being decent, honorable, and stubborn at the right times will never be old-fashioned.

Some things do not change. One of the things that does not change is the tendency for some to attempt to assume too damn much power.