McCain Feingold/Straw Donations/Campaign Finance issues


New member
McCain Feingold was supposed to quell the influence of corporate/special interest groups and soft money contributors on elections. Much discussion has taken place about the undesirable and unforeseen effects of that legislation in respects to circumventing the restrictions, the effects with regard to the 1st amendment, and the emergence of 527s.

It's one of the big things brought up when McCain is discussed along with other disagreements with his previous positions. Let's try to keep this one one McCain Feingold and the thread title.

Here is a link to the legislation text, arguments, summary, etc to give things an unopionated reference to start from.
I thought this was 'an egregious stomping on the 1st Amendment' and McCain being able to silence those he disagrees with and so on.

It is looking like another example of relying on people not paying attention or being aware of the facts and fabricating negatives to attack a candidate or party one is apposed to.

Are those crickets chirping?
The important thing about McCains First Amendment assault is that McCain is running for president and we need to let every gun owner know that he's anti-gun and that silencing the NRA and other rights support groups was his goal.

That's pretty simple.
Pat H said:
The important thing about McCains First Amendment assault is that McCain is running for president and we need to let every gun owner know that he's anti-gun and that silencing the NRA and other rights support groups was his goal.

I wasn't aware he is anti-gun or that the NRA and other rights groups being silenced was his goal. Do you have any information that substantiates that?

And how does this legislation target/silence the NRA or gun owners/gun rights groups? It looks clear that supporting a candidate is perfectly acceptable. The last minute sniping is what is being de-legitimized. Like a last minute ad proclaiming he is anti-gun and silencing rights groups is his goal.

I'm not advocating McCain, I just don't see the touted evils here. Didn't we all want money to stop being the decider of elections? Now that isn't to say that the legislation hasn't been circumvented by 527s. MoveOn, Media Matters, et al have actually exploited loopholes to do what the legislation was expressly intended to stop, which is to have small special interests and large money interests 'electioneer' communications. They are pretending to be media outlets to cover their clear political motivations.
Good point Cool Hand Luke. It seems apparent the problem with McCain Feingold is the restriction on the Advertising. I have to say I agree.

The goal was to limit the money's influence but it went overboard when it started dealing with advertisements too. Let the viewer see the poor form and tasteless ads and decide for themselves. I have to say I agree. It seems that despite individuals 1st Amendment rights aren't being infringed, those of activist/advocacy groups and corporations are.
Didn't we all want money to stop being the decider of elections?

And I want the Easter Bunny to bring me a million dollars, but I never figured either of those things would happen.

People are willing to put up a lot of money to affect politics because politicians can affect our lives powerfully. To decrease that willingness, you can't just make it illegal. The only path that will work is reducing the power of government. If you don't want people to give so much money to politicians, make it not worth it.

Power corrupts. Money is an indicator, not a cause.