McCain Backers Read This!


New member
Manchester Union Leader

November 22, 1999

Unprovoked, from out of left field, John McCain took a shot at gun collectors, owners and dealers on CNN's "Larry King Live" program last Monday night.

Larry King didn't even bring up guns with McCain, but when he asked McCain why congressional Republicans are held in "low esteem in national polls," the GOP Presidential candidate couldn't resist: "We need to pass the legislation on gun control," he responded after briefly mentioning the special interests' influence on HMO reform. "It (gun control) was passed through the Senate. We need to do things that the American people want us to do rather than being gridlocked by the special interests and we're gridlocked on both sides."

These special interests McCain is complaining about are the citizens _ many in New Hampshire _ who are trying to defend their right to buy a firearm from a gun show or private collector without the imposition of the federal government taking three business days to conduct a background check. This regulation is the one passed by the Senate, even though 95 percent of all background checks take no more than three hours, and gun shows usually last only one weekend.

McCain helped to kill this anti-gun owner bill last May, but after the national media expressed outage at the outcome the next morning, he panicked and demanded that the Senate do something to placate the likes of the New York Times and CNN. McCain then allowed the gun control bill to become the Senate's official position, despite the effort led by New Hampshire Sen. Bob Smith to kill it.

The gun issue reveals how McCain himself is too easily influenced by special interests _ in this case, the media elite. Wasn't he standing on principle when he voted against the gun show regulations? How, then, could he be so supple as to let it become the Senate position that is now under consideration by Congress as a whole?

A tragic school shooting in Conyers, Ga., took place immediately after McCain voted against the gun show ban, but that would have been an opportunity for McCain to demonstrate the courage he possesses by standing up to media pressure rather than capitulating to it. Just weeks earlier the Columbine, Colo., school shooting took place, but McCain held his ground against anti-gun legislation then. It was the media explosion that brought him to his knees.

This weakness was brought to light again Monday night, when McCain told Larry King exactly what the media elite like to hear: The Republican Congress is a flop because they haven't stopped citizens from privately buying and selling guns yet.

_ Bernadette Malone Connolly

Joe's Self Reliance & Preparedness Forum

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited December 18, 1999).]
So gun owners are a "special interest" now?
McCain is really acting wierd these days while trying to remain the media's darling.
Does anyone else hear that sound of grinding teeth coming from Arizona gunowners?
In reality, he is eventual roadkill in this primary season.
The McCain who was a POW in Viet Nam? The McCain that DID NOT follow the name, rank and serial number requirement but ran his G** D*** mouth, that MCain? The Jane Fonda in uniform.

Urinate on him and his prersidental run.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I think the only people who can legitimately criticise Mr. McCain on his tenure as a POW are his fellow collegues. Some of them don't give him high marks. Regardless, he is no friend of the constitution. His version of campaign finance reform is unconstitutional. His version of gun control is unconstitutional. His version of our republic is distorted. He is not our friend.
MalH, If you and I stood side by side in a firing line in another time and I indicated to you that I thought we are doomed, you as a good soldier would remind me that together we can overcome anything. And we shall. You are the determining factor in Dr. Keyes campaign. You. I stand at your shoulder.
There hss always been something about John Mc Cain that I didnt like. My across-the-street neighbor spent over seven years in the Hanoi Hilton and various other hellholes. He likes Mc Cain.
I agree that there is no way we can criticize Mc Cain without knowing a whole lot more that we will never know.
I would be offended if anyone used my name in the same sentence as Jane Fonda's.
There is enough known about her to make up your mind. Until I know more about Mc Cain I will not vote for him.

Better days to be,

McCain CAN'T take a position the media don't like, on anything; His existance as a viable national candidate is purely a creation of the media, and their almost continuous hyping of him. Should he take a position they don't like, they stop boosting him, and he'll drop back into obscurity.

Sic semper tyranus!
Ed,I agree about McCain. I have a friend who was a SEAL, and he said that the stated policy was to only tell name rank and S#. But in reality if one was captured they should tell them any thing they wanted to know and embellish it even more. Who could stop their lips when they had all the time in the world to break you.

If you'd like to know more of what McCain is thought of by his fellow war vets, go to the newsgroups and alt.vietnam.

I remember McCain spouting the same kind of
"common sense" gun control crap(before he was officially a candidate) that Clinton
is always preaching. I agree that he is no
friend of ours. All the media attention he
receives should be enough to raise questions
about McCain.
I agree, John McCain shouldn't be judged by anyone regarding his actions as a POW. No one can say what they would do under similar cicumstances. And in spite of the Code of Conduct, which seeks to instill in POWs the belief that they should place their trust in their government, well, it's common knowledge that our government would just as soon forget about POWs.

The POW issue is a non sequitur in the campaign. McCain does not deserve to be president for a variety of reasons. He is nothing more than a Bill Clinton.
John McCain's actions during the Viet Nam War have no bearing on this campaign whatsoever, at least not for those folks who can see with any clarity. The fact that he was a POW earns him marks as a SOLDIER, but not as a STATESMAN. In the latter role, he has been quite lacking, in my opinion.

And keep in mind that Benedict Arnold was a fantastic military leader, right up to the point where he turned traitor. Previous performance means little compared to "What have you done LATELY?"
Note that in these debates, the terms "common sense" and "reasonable" lose all meaning. Citizens Against Guns called its proposal for the summary execution of "even suspected" gun owners and their families, and the use of tactical nukes on resisters, a "reasonable" approach to gun control.

I haven't heard of them for a while; I hope they all went to a "reasonable" hot place.

Gents, as a vet myself I gotta tell you being a POW doesn't get you any more points with me than I give to any of the other 3 million vets. Did he volunteer to be a POW? If not, getting shot down doesn't make you any more a hero than others doing the same job who did NOT get shot down.

McCain is cruising along on this "hero" shi*, and it is nonsense. I get along with his personality fine, but haven't seen much substance that I can agree with or that I would vote for.

Keyes or Bush is still a player for me, most of the rest of the group are toast. Since they are not interested in my vote, they will not get it. Keyes and/or Bush may end up in the same status.
The man is one of the Ruling Political Class. He has made anti-freedom statements. No shock there. Those that are not RPC are functionaly shut out of the process. For example, Mr. Keyes.
As to his POW record, I don't have the right to pass judgement. I don't have enough info, and I have never had bambo slivers shoved under by fingernails. But I still don't like the man. I don't like Bush either. They are all RPC and will ignore the Constitution.
Pessamistic? Well, I'm just going on what I've seen all these years and read in the history books.
I'm really disappointed in McCain. As far as I'm concerned, he's pulled a Libby Dole on us. So, to me, Bush Jr. is looking better all the time.
We in Arizona could have told you this about McCain. He ain't our buddy. He see government as our savior.

Alan Keyes is the only guy who believes the Constitution and Bill of Rights means what they say. If you can vote in the GOP primary, vote for Keyes. If you can spare five bucks, send it to his campaign. Even if he bows out of the race, we need to have his message out there for as long as we can.

Not that I agree with him 100%, natch.

"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

Please remember that Little George also supports gun control.


Some people say say a candidate must support views in conflict with his own values in order to gain adequate support for his election.

If a candidate must misrepresent his values to become elected, then he has false, self-serving values. If he is willing to compromise what is right, and what he believes in, then he will compromise away our rights to become re-elected, to support the next candidate of his party, or to support whatever his "blue-light special" goal of the minute happens to be.

If Little George and McCain are mis-stating their true beliefs, then they are liars.

Rationalize *that* away!

Alan Keyes seems to be brave enough to state his views, clearly, in a straight-forward manner, without compromise, supported by facts.

Why champion a liar when you can champion a man of integrity?

If you agree with the gun-control offerings of Bush and McCain, then just say so. But to vote against what you KNOW is right, to vote for what you KNOW is wrong, should startle you, frighten you, and cause you to question whether your OWN, personal values are "viable"!

Who you vote for represents you in your government.
Who you vote for represents you as a voter.
Who you vote for represents you as a person.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
McCain is just like his buddy the Honorable Senator Lott. Stand up and tell us gun owners that he is on our side then get on the Senate floor and stab us in the back.

McCain is the Democrats best hope, ANTI Gun and wants to rewrite campaign finance laws to benefit the Dems.