McCain at CPAC


New member
Watching it now, and aside from the usual pep rally stuff, one thing he said caught my ear. While listing off his "conservative" credentials, he stated that he consistently opposed waiting periods for guns as well as assault weapons bans. When saying "assault weapons" he used some air quotes, rolled his eyes and used a hefty dose of sarcasm.

Of course its only a speech and he's playing to the crowd, but the extra animation with which he said it gives me a sliver of hope.
But his voting record shows his real beliefs.

You are amazingly uniformed.

McCain voted against the AWB.

He also voted to repeal it.

He voted to protect gun manufacturers from lawsuits.

His only anti-gun votes have been to close the gun show loophole (which didnt pass), and for mandatory trigger locks.
He's solid on the AW ban (against it) but he was all for shutting down the 'gun show loophole'. He is for HEAVY legislation against gun shows, having mandatory registration of anyone who wants to sell a firearm there. Want to walk around the show and see if a dealer wants to buy your rifle? Register first. And this registration will be stored with the ATF. And you must do this for every show you wish to attend

It also has ambiguous language to punish the gun show operator if ALL attendees are not made aware of all the verbiage of this bill, they can be fined and arrested. Thats crazy.

He also supported an amendment to restrict the transfer of firearms over the internet.

There's one or two more issues from back in the late 90's. All in all he is OK, but not a stalwart by any means.

I gotta say I support Huckabee at this point (sorry Ron).
Not to mention guns are not the only part of my life. McCain has terrible/liberal positions on many issues like illegal immigration and taxes.
Somehow I really don't like how much the opposition likes him. I didn't like him on many occasions in the past, and I really don't like his campaign finance law which seems to have only made things worse rather than better.