Mayors Face Lawsuit Filed Tuesday by Gun Owner Group


New member <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>News Release
Second Amendment Foundation
12500 NE Tenth Place · Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 454-7012 · FAX (425) 451-3959 ·

For Immediate Release
Contact: Alan Gottlieb (425) 454-7012


WASHINGTON, DC (Tuesday, November 30, 1999) - The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), a firearms civil rights legal defense, research and educational organization, has filed a federal lawsuit today in Washington, DC against the U.S. Conference of Mayors (USCM) and certain individual mayors for conspiracy to violate civil and constitution rights, including the First, Second and Ninth Amendments, as well as the creation of undue burden on lawful interstate commerce.

"We warned both the USCM and individual mayors of our intent to defend our rights and those of millions of law-abiding Americans We gave them every opportunity to cease and desist their warrantless attacks," stated Alan Gottlieb, SAF founder. "Now, they are being sued; while their meritless and frivolous lawsuits are being dealt serious blows in the courts."

The city of Cincinnati earned the dubious distinction of being the first city to be derailed in their attack against firearm manufacturers, distributors and trade associations. The Court firmly held that the lawsuit was both vague and unsupported by legal precedent. A large portion of the Atlanta lawsuit was also dismissed with serious doubts surrounding the remaining portion of the suit. In addition, a ruling in the Bridgeport lawsuit is expected in the next few weeks.

"As more and more of these city mayors’ suits are dismissed, the more it looks like these suits were only intended to financially injure gun owners and the federally licensed producers and sellers of firearms," stated Gottlieb. "In addition, the USCM readily admits that they are seeking legislation in the courtrooms, which is a clear violation of the separation of powers upon which our great country was founded. This is cause to hold individual mayors and the USCM responsible for their conspiratorial and unconstitutional assaults on law-abiding people."

The SAF lawsuit alleges three counts against the groups. Count 1 is for violation of lawful interstate commerce. The mayor’s legal challenges have already forced several gun makers to declare bankruptcy, severely downsize their product lines, and/or raise firearm prices, thus hurting consumers – including taxpayer-funded federal, state and local law enforcement agencies – all across the country. Count 2 is for violation of First Amendment rights. The mayor’s lawsuits have prevented the gun manufacturers from educating consumers about their products out of fear of seeing ads in the courtrooms, not to mention that many of the mayor’s lawsuits are trying to eliminate or severely curtail the ability of running ads on firearm products in general. Count 3 is for violation of the Second and Ninth Amendment rights. The Second Amendment is an individual right to keep and bears according to the recent United States v. Emerson, 46 F.Supp.2d 598 (N.D. Tex. 1999). The mayor’s attempt to abridge the right to keep and bear arms by putting gun makers out of business causes a violation of the individual’s means to self-defense which is recognized in every courtroom and falls under the Ninth Amendment rights. Attorney Richard Gardiner, a well-known Washington, D.C. firearms civil rights attorney, is the lead attorney working this case against the mayors. In addition to Cincinnati, Atlanta, and Bridgeport, the cities affected by the lawsuit are Boston, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New Orleans, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, San Francisco, Berkeley, Sacramento, Oakland, East Palo Alto, Compton, West Hollywood, Inglewood, Camden, Wilmington, Gary, and St. Louis.

"The mayors are on notice that their lawsuits will not be free," said Gottlieb. "The Second Amendment Foundation and gun owners across the country will make them accountable for attempting to steal in the judicial branch what they have failed to rob in the legislative branch."

The Second Amendment Foundation is a tax-exempt education, legal defense and publishing organization founded in 1974 and has over 600,000 individual citizen supporters nationwide. It previously has funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los Angeles, New Haven, CT, and San Francisco on behalf of American gun owners.


"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
I like the idea and I hope they have the money they need to fight this and win. Most likely the mayors can use the city money to fight for their legislation. It would be icing on the cake if not only would this work but they would be forced to pay back the money to their communities after trying to force a unconstitutional issue......fubsy.

[This message has been edited by bruno (edited November 30, 1999).]
To All-
Pending DC's take on this, I suggest this is a cause to really rally around. Let the NRA know that we're willing to back court actions on an offensive basis for a change.

I read this on freerepublic I think its a great idea and I hope they go after rich daley mayor of chicago. My friends their envy me because i can legally carry a gun and they can't! I hope they repeal the total gun ban they have there. I can't beleive they can't even keep a rifle in their home.
Whoa! I wanna party with Gottlieb!!! This guy is a mensche.

OK...the SAF started making noise and sending out e-mails about 5-6 months ago...this was the outfit that was going to finally take action...a bunch of Los Angeles 2nd A type lawyers with a major burr under the saddle and feelin' real mean. You all may have gotten the e-mails and it was discussed here a few times. Anyway, then they were quiet and they are!!
No BS...they did what they said they were gonna do....I like that. They obviously relish a fight, too. I like that.

First Hobgood, and now this.....things are looking nice.
I think these guys (SAF) need whatever support we can give...notes of support, money, word of mouth, etc.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I just had a thought...

Read bruno's post....the mayors using city monies on these suits, etc. Now imagine a boatload of locals agitating, comnplaining, bugging the media, really PO's at their mayor. Crumbling political careers....

This is something that CAN could get into...use that phone tree, organize and action.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Might be a good idea for a bunch of residents of these cities to get together and demand an accounting of tax money spent on these lawsuits.
It won't be worth the paper it's written on, but think of the media impact if some residents gathered names on a petition naming the lawsuit as "retaliatory" or "frivolous".

Just a thought.
GREAT!!! Now, are you who are cheering going to send $50 or $100 to SAF to finance the fight? Let's get behind this with our money too! Jerry
Well I'm not much of a joiner, and I rarely give to a political cause, but I have just joined the SAF and sent a donation.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I would like to know why they didn't file under Conspiracies in Restraint of Trade and why HCI, CPHV, et al -- who are driving these suits -- were not included in the suit.
Where do I send my money? Always willing to throw a few well placed dollars to anyone fighting the good fight against government.

It's time to put our money where our mouths are at. Here is someone doing exactly what should be done. Taking these greedy mayors to task. Count on my $50 check to be in the mail as soon as I have an address.

<editted because I'm a blundering fool sometimes>

DOH!! OK, should have read closer, the address is right at the top. Check will be in the mail tomorrow (how many of you guys actually get the checkbook from your wifes :).)

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited December 01, 1999).]
Want to point out that the contribution form listed above is not on a secure server -- meaning that your credit card information is in the clear if someone wants to snoop on you. Not too likely, but I have known people that it happened to. My contribution will be going through the US mail. I looked around on their site for a secure link, but did not find one.
Several months back, I was solicited for a contribution. I sent what I felt I could afford.

In the interveening time, had inquired a couple of times, pertaining to what, if anything was ongoing. Had response every time, they generally amounted top "we are working on it", which after a while starts to sound like another broken record, similar to the "surveys" and "polls" we all recieve, thinly disguised requests for "money".

Well, as the old saying goes, What Goes Around, Comes Around, SAF seems to be "for real", a nice thing to see. Wonder as to what, if any role NRA, of which Iam a Life Member, will play in this long overdue action?

How did I miss this thread?

Sorry DC...

This is a good cause.
It is time to fight the good fight.
Lets do what we can here to propogate this and similar actions.

Every City that sues the industry - should get sued in return by the citizens.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?