Mayor Daley wants to put half of Chicago behind bars


New member
With his safe neighborhood law. Any person found in possession of a handgun, or any type of firearm as well as individual who protect themselves with said weapon will receive 3 year automatically. Possession of a handgun will be a felony. Currently, all handguns are banned as well as any military styled rifles. If Daley gets his way 50% of the law abidding citizens in Chicago whose only intention of owning a handgun is to protect themselves from the criminals will be in violation of the law and could face 3 years in jail if caught. Hell, just using it to protect themselves could land them in jail automatically for 3 years. Dictators like Daley are always power hungry. They won't rest until everyone is defenseless and at his mercy. I wonder where he is hideing his guns, probably Wisconsin. He doesn't need them considering he has police escort everywhere. It would be nice to see anti gun politician without their secret service agents or police escorts. I bet you the police won't be knocking down his door searching for illegal guns he might own. They never break into politicians homes searching for any violations. How unfair life is! The law should apply to everyone not just the poor fools who elected the dictators.
Well, I know where I'm never moving too. Time to get busy and write some more letters, my hand sure is getting tired of this.

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
Yeah, but Daley has a pretty serious mandate. The Democrats have always done INCREDIBLY well over the past few decades in Chicago. Apparently, over 95% of people over 160 years of age vote Democratic in Chicago.

As for this law, it's just heavier punishment for the same "crime" of defending yourself. At least you can have a shotgun for home defense, right?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
If I lived in Chicago, I'd move to a pro-gun state. Who needs Mayor Daily's bull sh~t.
Not me!

If enough people move out, he will have no one left to tax!

He might actually notice that!

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 11, 1999).]
I was born and raised in Chicago, and even though his father was kind of a dictator he never had the same views that his idiot child has. I never recall the father speaking against guns like the idiot does. I no longer live in or even near Chicago, but I often joke about moving back just so I could vote against the little SOB. We call him "Elmer Fudd's dumber cousin" BTW, when he was trying to become a lawyer, he had to take the bar exam about 4 times before he passed. So I guess his unfamiliarity with the Constitution is a long standing problem.