Mayor Daley calls for a summit on guns

Garand Illusion

New member
Wow. Read the following from a newspaper in Chicago. They recognize that guns are only a small part of the problem, but all of their solutions involve the guns.

The big question is ... if you have a human ready to pull the trigger to kill another human being, even if you take away the gun you still have a human ready to kill. And as an older guy who remembers streetgangs from before they had so much drug money and so many guns, there are plenty of ways to make lethal and maiming weapons. Motorcycle chains, car antennas, knives, broken bottles, baseball bats, etc.

But hey ... let's just pass laws to make sure no law abiding citizens have guns and then we can say we've done something, eh?

Stop the Killing: Chicago’s Mayor Daley Calls Emergency Gun Summit

We can't stop trying.

The problem is guns. No, it's not about guns.

The problem is bad parents. No, we can't make bad parents good.

The problem is drugs. No, we can't stop the drugs.

The problem is jobs. No, we can't bring back the good jobs.

The problem is our schools. No, we can't ask our schools to solve all the problems that flow from broken families and broken neighborhoods.

But we can't stop trying.

In a dramatic gesture, Mayor Daley has called for a summit at City Hall today to search for solutions to the bloodbath of violence -- almost all of it involving guns -- that has swept across Chicago's neighborhoods in recent weeks.


And you, our readers, responded as we had hoped and believed you would. You wrote and called to say you stood with us, to say you stood with anybody -- from the Sun-Times to Mayor Daley to the Rev. Michael Pfleger -- who was serious about getting rid of the guns, stopping the killing and protecting our children.

I guess that since a liberal can't take the moral position of trying to fix other issues (any parenting style is fine, drugs are part of life and are a victimless crime, welfare is as good as a job, it's only normal for young people to be rebellious against authority) trying to remove guns is all he has left.
Chicago puts the lie to many of the leftist's favorite claims.

Guns cause crime- well, Chicago has very strict gun control laws. Obviously, they aren't working.

Welfare helps people up- then why do you say that their poverty causes them to commit crimes? The welfare state obviously isn't working.

It's a lack of jobs- there's jobs. Maybe not six figure ones, but there's work to be had for those who want it. Getting there in Chicago is a piece of cake. The CTA is quite possibly the best public transit system in the world, or if not, it is certainly close to it. You can get from one end of the city to another without needing a car- rather, in Chicago a car is more a hindrance. If the people wanted jobs, they'd have them, since they can get anywhere in town for them.

It comes down to people just preferring crime to law abiding pursuits. In the face of that, all you can do is prepare the good folks to deal with them.
Have they ALL gone insane?

Why would banning guns for all solve the problem if this is the problem?>>>

Chicago Sun Times and I quote "Our reporters and columnists will investigate what we believe to be the roots of the problem -- gangs and guns, to be sure".

Is it true that common sense is extinct?

Why take away MY gun if the root of the problem is as stated?
Is it true that common sense is extinct?

Yes it is, I would like to see a "summit" of a 1000 people with various backgrounds and education sit down across the USA and discuss the following,morals, race, public schools, immigration, dropouts, crime, jobs, outsourcing,loss of manufacturing, perhaps we could come to agreement out government along with corporate America may be more at fault for our problems then inanimate objects such as guns.
Daley is a tool. Anyone know which Daley this is? If my mind isn't totally gone, it seems some politician machine in Chicago seems to be stuck in a loop.

But the citizens of the city seem to keep electing idiots and the city seems to get worse. I went there for a four day seminar about eleven years back. I don't think we left the hotel.
Faulty Towers

Generally Daley is a good mayor butttttt... All politicians (Daley included) love a good sound bite that advocates a simple fix because "sheeple" don't want to hear about personal responsibility, complex problems, or costly solutions- they want the quick fix that someone else takes care of for them!

Some technology such as this good tool and some self help. If this victim had ccw rights he would have had more options than just being a passive target? He still may have been shot but perhaps on arrival the Police would have found two thugs beside him or had blood trail / hospital visit to follow.

The silent majority in this country have allowed a small group of politicians and an even smaller group of thugs take control while we suffer all the consequences.

We are most likely all singing to the choir on this site. Our mission is to take the message to the uniformed to educate them and demand accountability of the elected who primarily come from backgrounds that have NO clue what John and Jane Doe face on a daily basis. Take a non-shooter you know, educate them in the safe firearms handling, and give them the actual experience of firing a weapon (entry weapon variety- not a hand cannon for you own amusement :rolleyes: )
Chicago has had a total ban on handguns for years. I dont know what more proof people need to see that this type of gun control does not work. Furthermore mayor Daley is the perfect example why all elected officals should have term restrictions...