Mayor Bloomberg Plans To Carry Anti-gun Fight To Entire US


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Pledge to carry gun battle across nation


Once content to rule the city, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday vowed for the first time to go national - with an all-out effort to crack down on illegal gun sales.

With the shooting deaths of two NYPD cops still weighing on the city - and with his confidence as a political player clearly rising - Bloomberg promised in his second term to fight the fight over illegal handguns in every forum that matters.

"We will take our message to Albany, to Washington and to every capital of every state that permits guns to flow freely across its borders," said Bloomberg.

"And to those who distort our laws to aid and abet hardened criminals, know this," he said, punching the air for emphasis. "We will not rest until we secure all of the tools we need to protect New Yorkers from the scourge of illegal guns."

Although Bloomberg has talked before about the need for stricter gun controls, yesterday was the first time he pledged to do battle in individual statehouses throughout the U.S.

The new push underscored the growing sense of urgency in the city surrounding illegal firearms, which helped fuel a 3% increase in shooting victims last year.

But it also reflected a mayor who, after four years of mostly learning the political ropes in New York, is confident enough to take his game to the national level, experts said.

Gun control advocates said that as the Republican mayor of the country's largest city - and one of the GOP's most generous donors - Bloomberg could be uniquely positioned to influence the national gun control debate.

"If he can make an alliance of governors and mayors - particularly Republican governors and mayors - it could greatly help us," said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), an author of the Brady Bill, which requires background checks for handgun purchases. "We haven't had a major Republican voice speaking out for gun control in a long time."

No matter what, with a Texas Republican in the White House and the National Rifle Association still among the biggest givers in Congress, it will be an uphill fight, Schumer added.

NRA officials could not be reached for comment yesterday, but Bloomberg is already in the group's sights.

When the mayor talked last month about the need to tighten gun laws after the shooting death of NYPD Officer Dillon Stewart - by a gun stolen in Florida - NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said it was "despicable" for Bloomberg to inject politics into the debate.

Others said Bloomberg's plan to take the fight to states where most of New York's illegal guns originate - with Florida and Georgia being prime culprits - was right on.

"He needs to go to Florida and say, 'You sell thousands of guns that end up on our streets every year, and one of them killed a police officer in New York. What are you going to do about that?'" said Jackie Kuhls, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. (More at link)

It seems to me that if you don't belong to either the NRA or GOA, now would be the time to join. Let's make that a do-able New Years resolution. It seems the gun grabbers never stop.
Key word is ILLEGAL!

When a person sales a gun illegally he is adding fuel to the fires that seek to do away with LEGAL ownership.
Key word is ILLEGAL!

When a person sales a gun illegally he is adding fuel to the fires that seek to do away with LEGAL ownership.

Yes -- And he wants to make the rest of the states have gun laws like NYC - where handgun ownership is illegal unless you are one of the elite or their bodyguards.
Take a look at my guns below my signature...everyone is illegal in NYC. Maybe New Yorkers are the ones who should join the rest of the nation!
He's another poli-chicken looking for reelection from his liberal friends. He's only going national to make himself look good to everybody (especially those in San Francisco) so that in the future when looks towards a presidential run, he'll have these "good deeds" to support him. I really wish that there were laws against such bigoted and anti-natural rights people. Oh, wait there is, it's called the CONSTITUTION!!! Look it up Bloomberg!!! :mad:

Little man, big talk, little action. Perfect example is how he caved in to the illegal strike by the TWU (Transit Workers Union) a couple weeks ago. Less than 12 hours after announcing the city and the MTA would not bargain with the illegally striking TWU until they returned to work, Bloomie was back at the bargaining table with the TWU while they were still striking. Candy-assed pansy. He thought he'd take a page from the Ed Koch playbook and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge during the strike. Well gee, thanks for the photo-op Mikey, but how about getting tough like Reagan and firing all their asses?

Bloomie can't even control an illegally striking union in his own city and yet, he thinks he can control illegal gun sales in states far out of his jurisdiction? In the election leading up to his first term, Bloomberg admitted smoking pot in his past. It would seem Bloomie is now smoking somthing much stronger if he seriously thinks he's going to change the laws of other states to mimic NYC's draconian policies. Sure is going to be funny when he gets laughed out of states like Pennsylvania where entire school districts shut down for the opening day of deer season. You might get a day off for Yom Kippur in some NYC schools, but I doubt they've even heard of "deer season" in the Bronx.

This is political grandstanding at its best (...or worst). Talk tough to get the police union and NY legislature behind him, make people forget about his blunders during the transit strike, get New Yorkers riled up about an issue that is way beyond Bloomberg's control so he can look like the good guy without having to do anything. More bread & circuses for NY voters...
The great Mayor Bloomberg's intended reach just might get his hand cut off. This worthlless excuse for a leader needs a real hard lesson. Political offices throughout the United States are are full of Mayor Bloonberg clones. We let it happen.
Another Yankee Carpetbagger

Well great. Just what Texas needs. Another Yankee Carpetbagger to come down here and tell us uneducated, stupid yokels how to fight crime.

His city has outlawed everything but a damned candlestick every since I can remember, but their body count is worse than Falluja's.

What a moronic statement! Instead of calling for speedy trial and rapid execution for the murderers, this XXXXXXX wants to make my family live under the same ludicrous conditions his Administration dictates to New York victims/residents.

There has not been a single murder in the 19 years I have lived in my town. How in Gods name can he tell us we are contributing to NYC crime, simply due to us having the means to protect ourselves and our family.

I thought all the gun laws mandated by the educated, civilized sophisticates in New York City halted all such problems long ago.

He's outraged? How pompus can you get?

I wonder how many people who committed murder eight or ten years ago in New York City were released from the New York State Penitentary/Criminal Justice system this very week?

His statement is just one of the reasons tourists see rude bumper stickers that read, "Welcome to Texas...Now go home."

Canada, pushing the disarming of the U.S. citizenry;
UN, with it's Small Weapons Ban Treaty;
New York Mayor;

All three want the same result. They want me to disarm myself because they haven't got the guts to punish criminals for crime.
"When the mayor talked last month about the need to tighten gun laws after the shooting death of NYPD Officer Dillon Stewart - by a gun stolen in Florida"

He can stay home it's already illegal to steal guns in Florida as well as every other state. How about he work on keeping his degenerate thugs in NYC instead of traveling to Florida to buy stolen guns or to steal guns.
Although Bloomberg has talked before about the need for stricter gun controls, yesterday was the first time he pledged to do battle in individual statehouses throughout the U.S.

The new push underscored the growing sense of urgency in the city surrounding illegal firearms, which helped fuel a 3% increase in shooting victims last year.
Someone give that idiot a clue. As if the criminal population needed more guns in order to shoot 3% more people. Increased supply merely provides criminals with slightly greater variety, and drives down black market gun prices a little.
Quote: "I wonder what would happen if you could stop NYC criminals from leaving town?

Meek and Mild:
There is a way to stop them, but NY won't actually use it. It's called the death penalty. It works well when applied properly.

Just like killing coyotes that attack livestock. Once you shoot them, they don't get up and go do it again.

(The sophiticates don't want us shooting coyotes or loose dogs either when they kill our livestock due to coyotes having "animal rights" but they don't consider the "right" of a baby goat from being eaten alive)

I just cannot understand Bloomberg's "thinking". It is astounding.
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what a blowhard idgit this guy is

The minute he's elected on a national level by the people as a whole, I'll listen to him. As it stands, this is precisely the crux of the problem - idgits in other states trying to push their views on people in MY state. If he doesn't like illegal guns coming in, then control your borders man. You want a nanny state, and think that nanny states work, so get busy enforcing that nanny state - put up checkpoints at ALL roads coming in, and don't just ask them if they have fruit like in CA on I-40, search all vehicles. See how far you get with your gun-free paradise then (after the freedom-lovers leave).

Besides, what do state legislatures have to do with anything. It's the job of treasury/BATFE to enforce interstate illegal trafficking, not the states.
The idea isn't to stop violence

The big lie he is pushing, is the same one the UN and Canada is pushing.

Neither him, nor the UN or Canadian Government actually care about the those deaths. If they did, they would actualy punish killers properly, which they don't.

They are simply using those officer's deaths to justify disarming American citizen in other states so the Eastern elitists can control the country.

(And when I say, "they", "they" are the "Global Village" Idiot crowd that wants to see Hillary as President of the US, Bill as Secretary General of the UN, and Chuck Schumer in charge of the US Senate in order to pull off signing the United Nations "Small Arms Treaty" so they can establish global gun registration. Just like the UN says they are working toward, on their own web site.)

Isn't it also interesting the UN wants to control not only your 2nd Amendment rights, but the Internet also? And each time the U.S. tells them no, they simply call another conference meeting, and keep chipping away at it each year.
What's your point? I don't see Houston's or Dallas' mayors declaring war upon the rights of Americans in other states.

Bloomberg is a grandstanding socialist gasbag. He makes Giuliani look like a libertarian.
Yeah, Wildalaska, nobody from Houston or Dallas has announced a vow to force everyone in Albany, New York, to give up their Constitutional rights in order to (supposedly) remove the possibility of someone in Dallas getting shot by an "Albanyian?" And Houston or Dallas don't have "Hurcules" teams in full combat gear patrolling downtown like a war zone, either.

Mr.James is right about Bloomburg geing a gas bag.

He is just trying to get his neighbors over at the UN building some political capital in their efforts to take away our 2nd amendment rights with their "small arms treaty" and he's doing it while using the deaths of two police officers, for his purposes.