Maybe too much time on my hands?


New member
Ok, Saturday I turned 70, and Sunday I shot (skeet) 52/50 (:)),half way thru the 3rd round, my left shoulder started giving me trouble so I called it day. I finished 73/75. :mad:

So I've been thinking, has anyone here, tried shooting slugs (with a rifled choke tubes) out of their O/U or SxS? Kind of like a double rifle thing, "Hell" on hogs, I bet...:D
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Yes. They rarely go to point of aim to be good out more than 35 yards or so. The guns aren't regulated for them. They recoil more than target loads, but are not the beasties the mall ninjas think they are.
Look up "Paradox and bore guns" over at, there were doubles made with rifled chokes that shot special "slug" cartridges. They worked, but it is as Virginian says it is the regulation.
Most doubles are regulated to throw their patterns together at about 40 yards.

The cheap guns shoot all over the country side, better doubles are regulated much better. Just to find out why not try some Brenneke slugs and see where your gun shoots with regular chokes.
Many years ago, when I was a young pup, an old timer told me he had no trouble hitting a deer with slugs from his double barrel. "Ya jus' gotta know where it shoots!" But considering I'm Now an old timer, that was a very long time ago. Slug guns weren't expected to have the near rifle accuracy at longer range that they do today. 50 or less yards was the norm. Much over that and you were really stretching it.
The slug guns made by Browning, Ithaca, and Savage have rifle like accuracy now.

But please note that they are all single barrel guns and use the latest in improvements.

Double shotguns are generally regulated to shoot both barrels in the same spot at 40 yards.

Double rifles are regulated to about 100 yards or so, since most shots are taken at under 100 yards. Remember the double rifle gives the hunter a instantaneous second shot under adverse conditions.
I agree, you have too much time on your hands.... ( shoulders hurt, and you want to fire some slugs...??)....

One old guy to shoulders hurt just thinking about shooting some slugs... :D
Hey Big Jim,

I'm a right eyed, right handed shooter, with a screwed up "left shoulder".

Thank you LBJ.

Didn't say I wanted to shoot them (I'm not a hunter), but with too much time on my hands, I was just thinking out loud....
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Ok, you're better off than I am.....I'm a right handed shooter...with a completely rebuilt right shoulder / and only have a bicep ...

but sometimes shouldering a shotgun is just too much strain on the old shoulders...and elbows.../ and a little arthritis in my hands...( Oh, what the heck, that's what they make Advil for ...)...:D

Grunt Candy, (Ibuprofen)

400mg just before the match begins, 200mg between 1st & 2nd round, and another 200mg between 3rd & 4th round. Also helps with the knee, and the hip, all on the left side.

When I practice, I wait in till it hurts, quit & take 200mg...
..... you're right ...but let's be serious, I have a philosophy "even my worst days are pretty good" ....... for any reason...

guys like us with bad shoulders, etc....don't really have problems, we're just whining a little...( asking for an extra target or 2 or 3...when you young folks show up at the club...)... :D
Jim is right, getting old is better than the alternative. Sometimes I feel like the Vice President, going to all the dam funerals. (Sometimes our humor can be a little dark):eek:
I have a Stoegor Condor and I have shot slugs through it. I can't comment on accuracy much, I was shooting at 1 gallon jugs of ice at 20 yards. One day maybe I'll check how accurate it is.
Should you try shooting slugs from your double, please remember to hold the gun in two hands.

Putting the forearm on a rest and shooting upsets the dynamics of the double, they have to recoil in your hands to group right.

Regulators (those who build double rifles) use a stand up shooting rest to bear the weight of the rifle till they shoot. Then the rifle is shot from the normal two hand hold.