Maybe I'm Too Old For The 590 Shockwave


New member
I know the Shockwave isn't a shotgun, but not sure where else to put this.

I posted earlier about adding a sling to it or just changing the Shockwave to a regular ol' 590 shotgun but wanted to shoot it again before I decided. When I got the Shockwave, the first thing that I did was put a Mesa Tactical adapter and SBA3 brace on it. I shot it and it was great. Fun, even. But I don't trust ATF any farther than I can throw my truck, so, I decided to put the Raptor grip back on since I am hearing rumblings again about them banning braces (still not sure how they can just change laws and rules on a whim). Anyway, went and shot it today in it's original form and I'm thinking I may be too old for the darn thing.
I put some grip tape on the Raptor grip which did help, but it's still a handful. I shot 25 rounds of target loads and five of 00 buck and when I was done I was only bleeding in two spots. The trigger has a sharp corner on it, so, it poked me and the strap on the forend of all things was sharp enough on the end of it to cut my other index finger. Both of these obviously happed under recoil.
I've almost got it in my mind to try and figure out how to shoot the thing effectively just to be stubborn about it. One of my problems is that I dislocated my left shoulder a few years ago and it doesn't have the range of movement that it once did. The other problem is that my hands have got weak as I've got older.
I figure if I make a shorter forend strap then that will help me keep my grip a bit better by making it tighter with my hand there. Then I have to believe a sling would help give me some leverage at shoulder height. Mine didn't have a sling stud on it, so, I'm waiting for one to get to me to try out this theory.
I'll let my fingers heal up then try it again.
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Any reasonable adult in America knows the brace isn't used as intended. That creates a SBR or SBS.

That's how.

The people who made it did so to circumvent the law.
There has been more waffling on their rules with these than The Waffle House has waffles. Besides, I'm all for going pre-1934 on gun laws.
The Shockwave, as designed, is really meant to be shot from the hip. The only way to do that and reliably hit anything is to add a laser. With a laser (I'd go with green so you can see it during the daytime), it would be a pretty effective close-range fight stopper. The most popular option seems to be the Crimson Trace Laser Saddle.
The trick with mastering the Shockwave and managing its recoil is learning proper shooting technique with it.

If all else fails, buy an OpSol Mini Clip Adapter and shoot those 1¾" Mini Shells made by Aguila and Federal out of it. They have similar recoil to .410, but they're much shorter so you can fit a lot more in the magazine.
hip shooting

A trick to help with "hip shooting" is not to shoot from the hip. BAck in the day we had a stage in the agency shotgun FAQ that was called termed "assault position" but was normally referred to as hip shooting. Lots of folks could not hit squat (7 yds, 00buck) as they would literally shoot from the hip. The trick was to get the butt/pistol grip up high, tucked hard under the armpit. This brings the bore up closer to line of sight and makes a difference for most folks. However, change the distances involved, and the circumstances of that fixed static range stage, and accuracy again went down the tubes for most folks while "assault" firing.

The entire technique was mostly useless and was abandoned as better shooting while moving techniques became known and were more widely taught. I'd put the Shockwave and it's relatives into the mostly useless category myself as well.
I really have to question precisely what roles folks who call the Shockwave "mostly useless" had in mind in the first place.

I bought mine for the following purposes: Home Defense and my own personal amusement, and while I've fortunately never had to use my Shockwave for Home Defense, I have no doubt in my ability to hit a man-sized target within the same distances I might encounter a Home Invader. For the secondary role, it succeeds in spades because it's a cool gun with impressive results downrange. But then again, I'm not trying to hit targets hundreds of yards away, expecting levels of accuracy that only a novice would expect was possible from a scattergun with a 14" cylinder bore barrel, no stock, and only a brass bead front sight.

Seriously, plenty of shooters on YouTube, including ones who are/were competitive shooters seemingly have no issues hitting their targets at reasonable distances with the Shockwave, ergo I can only conclude that those who refer to the Shockwave as "mostly useless" either had unrealistic expectations of its capabilities, or were just calling it "mostly useless" as click-bait for their articles/videos, then purposely placing it in cherry-picked scenarios in which it would obviously perform poorly in attempt to make their click-baity title appear more legitimate to the lay person who doesn't know any better.
Unfortunately, Chris Baker has developed something of a habit of producing click-baity articles/videos over the past couple of years. Personally, I think that if he's that desperate for traffic, then he should revive the "Shooting Outdoors" series of videos with Manny Mansfield. A lot of people, (myself included) found his Manny Mansfield character extremely entertaining, and he could go right ahead making the same questionable claims as Manny Mansfield, but with the excuse that he's doing a character to preserve his credibility for when he actually feels like making a serious video.
There is no "circumventing the law." Something is either legal, or illegal.
I have carried a pistol-gripped shotgun as a car gun. I have shot them extensively, and can shoot them well. They are fun for a little while.

Then I built a real 10" barreled pistol grip SBS. It's fun, too.

I have had a Mossberg Cruiser 20 ga. 18" bbl. for years. Looked it over, thinking I might cut the barrel to 14"-as it's never had a stock. I decided to buy a full stock and make a shotgun out of it.

Take from this what you want.