Maybe covered in another thread or in the wrong spot, but Carbine/pistol matches?


New member
With the huge growth in popularity and sales of AR's and AK's and other combat carbine type toys, I was thinking that some kind of a two gun match would be fun and go over pretty well. Sorta like close range or HD type situations only negotiated with a carbine or a carbine and handgun combination. I'm thinking something along the lines of IDPA matches with a carbine and mandatory trnsitions to pistol and mandatory reloads for both weapon systems. Questions are below:

1) does anyone think this is a good idea?

2) Are there anything out there being done like this, other then 3 gun matches?
The Big Piney Sportsman's Club in Missouri runs a 2-gun (rifle & handgun) match every month. At the start of the course, you clear a shoot house with your handgun. Once you leave the house, you transition to the rifle and complete the course. We do not mandate magazine changes, nor is there a limit on magazine capacity. All of the handgun targets are close up since they are in the house. The rifle targets may be anywhere from 5 yards to 100yards away.
We do a couple of carbine side stages, in conjunction with our IDPA pistol matches. We'll rotate through Back-Up Gun, Shotgun, and Carbine, doing doing two or three of each over the course of a year. I don't know if there's enough interest in our area to conduct entire matches that utilize two guns, though there is a club that has a monthly "tactical rifle" match every month, and they get a decent-sized crowd.
Funny, I have been thinking along the same lines.

While I would love to do a three gun match, I think it is a little over the top for me. I was thinking of talking to the local IDPA match director tomorrow about incorporating a rifle or a shotgun into a stage or two over the year. this would of course be a bonus stage and would not be scored. I know there are other clubs that do this, with BUGs as well. It would be nice to get used to shooting a pistol with a slung rifle or shotgun, then transitioning to the long gun. This could also be done in the opposite order.