You are well advised to read the stickies at the top of the Corral.
These will get you started.
You will then be able to home in on areas which are left unanswered with targetted questions. Questions on loads, lubes, caps, brass versus steel, powder, stuff you can make for yourself, cleaning, molding bullets versus buying bullets, emphasizing a certain aspect of BP revolvers (there are many), all of these will become part of a continuing dialogue which does not end. There are a lot of very smart folks on this forum who will be thrilled to engage in that dialogue.
You will learn that BP revolver accumulating and shooting is a very rewarding enerprise. It is an undertaking which lends itself to individuality.
Go buy one of those revolvers and get shooting! If you have a choice I would recommend a Remington style rather than a Colt as a first revolver.
By the way: If you saw a Ruger Old Army in relatively good condition for "a coupla hundred" BUY IT IMMEDIATELY!