May day /communist day

ESI Agent

New member
As May first draws closer Im hearing people talk about marching for rights for people who broke our laws and now want to be rewarded. I don't understand how we can even consider insulting people who confomed to our laws and came in legally and are here to be Americans. IM surprised as to how many people live here take advantage of all we have education,medical and other free social services as they condem us and have loyalty to a corrupt country that will do nothing for them but export them here then encouage them to send their money back home.
Then theirs those hardcore activist that wave red flags and wear revolution shirts and other shirts like the one of the rebel with the red star. North American communist insurgents.
People use to dream about coming to America and being an American now they want to remain nationals of another country and rape us for all they can get as they condem us. America sure has changed. People do what we let them.
"Are their no men left in Washington? Or are they all cowards?"
What really frosts my @ss is when I read an editorial, or hear on the radio, "We are not criminals. We just want to feed our families." Well, sorry to break it to you, but when you crossed the border illegally, you became a criminal.
People use to dream about coming to America and being an American now they want to remain nationals of another country and rape us for all they can get as they condemn us.

How many actually want to remain nationals of another country, and how many do so simply because they are not allowed to come here legally and actually become Americans?
This is where I think Labor Unions should be leading the charge, looking out for thier own workforces by demanding the goverment step up and deal with the illegeal alien (illegeal workers?) issue.

Might redeem upper Union leaderships souls a bit.
This is a letter a guy sent to the "Rocky Mountain News" which is our statewide newspaper here in Colorado...I clipped it out about a year ago and saved it...In the letter, hes referring to the massive protest parades that took place about 2 years ago, where Denver had one of the largest...

"Rallies left him feeling dirty and betrayed"

The illegal immigrant protests we watched were nothing more than a thinly veiled threat by third world criminals.

It looked more like a Latin American coup attempt and, with our politicians, they got what they wanted. Those in Washington surrendered faster then the French army. Illegal became "undocumented", criminals became "hard workers"; it was downright disgusting how they were kissing up to the criminals.

I watched for about an hour and that was all I could take. I felt dirty and betrayed like I just watched America die. I keep thinking, so this is how it ends--not with Americans fighting to the end, but bending over to third world criminals for possible votes.

The next thing will be the replacement of our language, then our flag, then just another third world slum with third rate dictators running things. Maybe that's the job Sen. Edward Kennedy and the rest of those traitors are looking for.

I guess it's time for another revolution because those in charge are not representing the AMERICAN people.

"John Doe"
Colorado Springs, CO

What really shocked me was his was the only letter printed that was against the protest, the other 7-8 letters were all for it.
Why not - third world dictators have it pretty good. Disarmed, desperately poor people scratching the hard packed dirt for food, thuggishly brutal private armies, gold palaces/AKs, etc., etc.
Yes, I see it too, and the timeto reverse this was several years ago. I can only hope now.
Jimmy Carter just stated that on his mideast trip it was easy to deal with the dictators because there was only one person you had to meet with. He said that in Israel it was very difficult to deal with their type of government. :eek:
Jimmy Carter just stated that on his mideast trip it was easy to deal with the dictators because there was only one person you had to meet with.

And now you know what eating too many peanuts can do to your brain.
I had a conversation with of a couple of activist who said they were concerned about human rights and that they were very objective regarding the issue of illegal immigration.
My reponse is why don't I see protest at any of the Mexican consulates regarding the fact that Mexican police and military rob,beat,rape and murder people who enter their country illegally?
Why don't they protest the fact that Americans who go to Mexico on vacation are robbed by Mexican police/military?
Yet these same people yell and screem when our government arrest and deports people who entered our country illegally.
What I've got is, as long as my people are braking the law and beating and robbing it's OK. I just don't understand if they love their country so much why are they here?

IM first generation born here and have been raised to be an American first! A year ago my niece said IM Mexican Amrican! My reponse is no your not! Your an Amrican! Then I gave her a piece of paper and asked her to write all the things Mexico has done for you. She said they have done nothing for me. My response was,that's right. The only thing they do for their poor people is to send them here and encourage them to send their money back home. Being an American I want what's best for Amricans not my so called people because my people are AMERICANS.