May be scarce a day or two


Moderator Emeritus
Have to do a major computer flush...back-up, f-disc and reformat.
I'm tired of goosing this POS along :)
We'll hold down the fort, DC.

Good Luck.

[Aside to Audience]:
OK, guys, DC's gone for a few days. Let's get this place painted pink, and all present her with our Eugen V. Debbs for President posters when she comes back.

Pass me one of them ACLU Membership badges.

Mykl, you take the Clinton mask.
Dennis, you get the Lautenberg outfit.
Kodiac, it's the DiFi wig for you again.
Gary- The ghost of J Edgar Janet Reno's evening attire, of course.

Someone shut the lights.


Just don't expect me to wear the Chuckie Schumer mask and outfit. :D

Good luck with the computer work DC. Don't commit computercide on us. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Man, I don't wanna be Lautenberg again! I was Lautenberg LAST time!

You said I could be Ted Kennedy! I gained ALL this weight, bought a used Oldsmobile, got the phone number for this girl that looks like Mary Jo...

Aw, Jeez, Rich.... :(
Hey, Little Luv (that's a term of endearment, not a sexist statement) ....

Get a Mac ;)

Bruce (forced to drive a PC at home "for the children" ;), but Mac driver since 1985!! -- and I still have a Mac 512k, a Plus, and a IIsi --- and they all work!!)
good luck DC. i've had to kill an resusitate mine twice ( with a lot of help). it ain't fun.

since the mac thing was brought up, question time!! everybody i know that is a computer guru says that bill gates and his products suck. seeing as i don't know, why is it suppose to be better then a mac? and what so great about macs'? if anything..

Well, DC's been offline for about a day now and I haven't seen anyone with the rocks to start painting things wierd colors or anything yet!

I've never had I Mac but I do know that with a PC one usually can spend quite a bit of time doing the reformatiing reloading thing and still end up with squat.

But, we do know that DC is a true computer brain! In fact, she's probably already up and running just watching for the first glimpse of a pink paint brush!

IMHO, Hank
I think Mac's are more evil than HCI. Close standards are bad. a proud IBM/IBM clone/80x86 arichteure owner/user since 1983. The original 80086 still works, but I don't have the patience to watch it boot for like 10 minutes. the 286 would work, but it's been gutted for part and has no HDD.

DC you need any help with it? I do the Format , F-disk thing a least once a year, (when I upgrade to a faster system or get a bigger HDD) its so much fun to do when I need to clean the guns.
c:\>format c:

now I have 30 minutes to clean the AR's
fun alots of fun

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I'm back, sorta.
It all worked fine and performance is way better, now Win'98 is screaming. Problem is that I have to reconfigure/recrack alot of my programs.

I love PC clones...I built this from the ground up (from scratch) a couple years ago and only began having problems after I installed then dumped Office '97. Then everytime I added new hardware, it all got worse LOL. But I couldn't f-disk/format til I had a way of saving all my stuff...hence the CD-RW.

Notice no one brought out the paint....good, I'd have hated to hurt ya'll ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
its too late now, but you should have saves the registry files then, recopied them and all the stuff apps would be fine. in theory

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?