Mausers II

Mike Root

They came in today. The Swede is absolutely beautiful, metalwise, and that is very hard for a Norwegian to say. Disc says barrel is #1. I might grade it better. The Spanish is very nice also. Two questions.
1. How do I date the Spanish?

2. I know I've read it recently, but how do I get the bolt apart to clean it?

As always your help is greatly appreciated.

To take down a 93/94/95 Mauser bolt, close the bolt as if ready to fire. Set the safety to the middle (straight up) position. Open the bolt and remove it by pulling outward on the bolt stop on the left side of the receiver. Then unscrew the bolt sleeve from the bolt body. To dismount the firing pin, set the end of the firing pin on a wood block, and push the bolt sleeve forward, while moving the safety to the fire position. When the cocking piece is clear of the bolt sleeve, turn it 90 degrees and remove it. Let the bolt sleeve up easy.

Munna Tuck, As we Norwegians say Thanks much. It worked just like you said. The only problem was the polish on these bolts is so smooth they are hard to grab.

Thanx Again.

Mike Root
Check out this web site, bolt disassembly directions & diagram.

Bolt disassembly for the Mauser 98 is a little different, because the bolt sleeve lock has to be pressed back to allow the bolt sleeve to unscrew. In the Kar. 98k and other rifles, there is a hole in the buttstock or the wraparound butt plate. The front of the firing pin is inserted in this hole while removing the bolt sleeve and cocking piece.
