Mauser 98 Chocolate Mold

Wow. That IS really neat!

I've seen chocolate molds in the shape of "guns" before...

Gun is in quotes because it's usually, at best, representational of a gun, but not one by any particular maker.

But that's pretty darned detailed!
It is so detailed and Proportional, you have to wonder if this is not some kind of advertising tool from Mauser itself...
I forwarded that on to a friend of mine who is a BIG Mauser collector.

His response?

If I spent that much money on something like that, my wife would KILL me!
Actually, it is a "sort of" representation of an 1888 Commission Rifle, not a Mauser 98.

But don't let anyone catch a 6-year-old school kid with a piece of the candy or it is at least life in prison.
