Mateba Question


New member
Ok, in the pictures of Matebas that I've seen, I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be a topstrap (connecting piece of metal between the top of the barrel and rear of the gun that goes across the top of the cylinder) on the weapon.

Now, I recall reading that one of the problems that made the old break-top revolvers inaccurate and prone to breakage was due to the fact that the top wasn't a solid piece like it was on later revolvers.

In the experiences of those who own or have shot a Mateba, do you think that the lack of a topstrap on the revolver is an inherent problem, or nothing to worry about?

Oh, and what's the accuracy like?

The topstrap isn't needed on the Mateba because the force of firing is concentrated lower on the frame. There is little to no stress placed on the gun where a topstrap might otherwise be located. This is due to the Mateba barrel being lined up with the lowest chamber on the cylinder.