Master of One or Mixed Bag?


New member
I was just wondering if most of the viewers here practice just one art or several. Personally, I have tried many (Shotokan, Aikido, Northern Style Shaolin, Kung Fu, Kick Boxing, etc) and I suppose my fighting style is a combo. Lately I have really taken to TaiJutsu. My hope is to be the best that I can be with this one style because when all else fails I don't want to be thinking, I want to be reacting. What are some of your thoughts on this?

You should never really be thinking in a fight of any kind unless there is a lull in the action. You should be acting and not re-acting thus having the advantage. If you have to think about what to do next then either train train train, (no matter what style.) Or get a labotomy cuz last guy to whoop me good wasn't to smart. ;)

Welcome to TFL. As you know, "taijutsu" just means using body movement in combat. I wonder if you're speaking of some type of kobudo (ancient Japanese battlefield arts).

You'll get various answers on the "cross-train"/one system questions. Use what you find works for you.
Do what you like but a little cross-training couldn't hurt. I found that out the first time someone used a shin & elbow combo on me, -he wasn't supposed to do that! (Good thing he never heard of a clothesline).

Ditto on the thinking, if you still have to think on what you need to do, you've probably lost. Learn your techiques/discipline and then train.
:) Besides Krav Maga, I also train in Danzan Ryu Ju Jitsu.

The only problem I've had with cross training is sometimes I get a little confused, but it helps you understand the differences between both arts, and makes you apprecciate there merits better.
I AM NO EXPERT, so think about anything I say before deciding. I would try 3 or 4 types/styles and decide which one I like the best (or have the most likelyhood of staying with). Master that one style. When you have reached black belt level or some such, drop in on other styles for a time to pick up various technics and alternate ways of thinking.
Basically, master one but never ignore the rest. No style is everything but every style is something.
Martial arts nerds

I think that to be effective you should be a martial arts nerd. The Filipino Warrior Arts system which I study blends Kal, Serrada Escrima from the Cabales style, and some Silat. However, I also go to any seminars that I feel could benefit me. You should always take every opportunity to put more "tools in your toolbox".
Don't take this wrong however, I believe that one should always take time to master a style. This is important, because it helps us pass it on to others.
Major Forrest Morgan in "Living the Martial Way"
advocates learning one style to high competency and then choosing a second style which concentrates on areas of physical combat that your first style neglects. He also has tons of good advice on developing doctrine and strategy.

:confused: Master?...sometimes I wonder if there is any such person. I know some guys that are darned good, but I've seen some of them get caught off guard or by some attack or weapon that they are not familiar with and....vital areas are hit.

I just spend most of my life learning and preparing for the most common attacks and of course full force, all out attacks, and hope for the best.

What do you guys do?
(Might as well get that started again)

If y'all will look up master in the might be surprising that master does not have connotations of super human competency.

Take for example "masterpiece." This comes originally from the apprentice system of yore. After the apprentice studied the curriculum for some years he reached the level of journeyman. In most crafts, the journeyman was ready for independence. In some crafts he was required to study further, in others he chose to continue under a master or even continued to study to advance his skill on his own. In the formal study
areas the piece of work that-as judged by his master-elevated him to master status was known as his "masterpiece."

Basically, by the traditional definition applied to all other arts, crafts, and sciences, if you are intimately knowledeable of the entire curriculum of your style and can execute the various specifics at a high level of competency then you have mastered that style.

Does this mean you are invincible? No. Does it mean that you have reached the ultimate pinnacle possible in your style? No. Does it mean you walk through walls and meditate while levitating? Not in my style. Is mastery possible to the average diligent student by this definition? Yes.

What do I do? Nowadays, I carry a Kimber and a Spyderco. If I see trouble coming soon enough...I leave. If leaving is not feasible...I go open my trunk where the HK91 resides.

Let me explain. While I still practice a martial art; I no longer have the confidence that my body can stand the strain and damage that unarmed combat inevitably incurs. Not only am I 47 years old but I have an open laminectomy of the verterbral column. What this means is that the upper arch of four vertebrae were removed so that the surgeon could reach a tumor. The spinal cord is only covered by muscle, fascia, and skin. The structural integrity is intact but a fairly light blow to this area with an open palm has the same effect on me as a vigorous shuto to the neck would have on you. I can remember fights I've been in where the impacts to this area without injury would probably result in my being unable to defend myself today for several seconds. And that's all it would take to be defeated or killed.

The final result of all that is this: I go to lethal force at a much lower level of threat than I would if I were completely hale. I WILL use lethal force against an unarmed attacker whom I cannot escape. And I won't dither about it either. I'll let the jury-after looking at my medical record and listening to the testimony of expert medical witnesses-decide if I was reasonably in fear of death or grave bodily injury.
My $.03

I think true combat arts are (read: should be) holistic/ecletic.
Self defense is different than true combat though. For many reasons, but one key reason is that goal is different. In combat [war, violent crime from the goblin's perspective, or whatever you want to call it] your using force to gain something.

Self defense should focus on attacks launched from close range with little or no warning. In other words self defense should focus on IAD's [immediate action drills] for ambushes. Problem with defense is that it is very easy to lose. How many serious students of any combat art would expect to fail if they ambushed someone?

The more I study self defense the more I think unarmed self defense skills should focus on reflexive counters to basic striking and grappling attacks; such as, attacks to the head/neck, chokes, low kicks, and simple take downs. I would include footwork and distance control in those techniques. Most of one's time should be spent on being able to deflect, evade, or block initial attack in such a way as to gain time/distance to employ effective offensive technique. Preferably using a weapon for the offensive part.

So currently I study kali, aikido, ninjitsu, & wing chun type techniques for the defensive part of self defense skills. Focusing on how not to meet force head on with force but to redirect/evade while postitioning myself to attack from behind or flank.