Massive anti-RKBA broadcasts tonite


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>By Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 18, 1999; Page A02

The nation's major television networks, in concert with the
White House, will blanket the airwaves tonight with a message
urging parents to talk with their children about violence in the
wake of shootings at public schools and a community center.

In the public service announcement, to air on more than two
dozen networks between 8 and 9 p.m., President Clinton says:
"Our children need our help to deal with tough issues, like
violence. Please, talk with your kids."

The Ad Council calls the coordinated effort "unprecedented,"
saying it will reach millions of viewers during tonight's "family
hour" of TV programming. The announcements will continue
airing at various times throughout the year. But some of the
campaign's supporters acknowledge that it offers few specific
suggestions for parents, and note that it is designed more to
ease the fears of preteens than to try to avert youth violence.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Gee, pretty much proves that the major media are in cahoots with Clinton.

The three networks have sold out.
We are totally defenseless against this administration. We can only hope that we will prevail at the ballot box, but even then we are electing more politicians.

Ant ideas????

Better days to be,

Ref "politicians". The current ones are corrupt. You KNOW how I'd replace them. :D

It gags me to think that Clinton is going to talk to us about morals and responsibilities.

I bet he stands close to his podium.
(Remember "Police Academy"?)
I'll do what the prez says ... I'll talk to my kid ... and help her to understand that in all cases that occurred recently, if there had been someone else there with a gun, it would have stopped. I'll help her understand the *real* reason for the 2nd amendment, that being that sometimes we need to defend ourselves, against animals, people, and yes, even the government.

I urge all of you to do the same (and point out the fallacy of the president's statements if there are any)

Then I think I'm going to intriduce her to Mr. 22 LR

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 18, 1999).]
Makes me wish I had sproggen, just so I could explain to them what we're up against.

It's "education" when the bannits say "Guns are eeeevil." It's "propaganda" when Eddie Eagle and Granpa Jack say "No, they're not."

I weep for the future.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Big Comrade and his media have the American sheeple so frightened and fearful that the fools will be receptive to ANYTHING big brother comrade government suggests as solutions to the "violence in our schools . I am still predicting a major Federal gun confiscation bill soon even with a Republicratic Congress. A people like the Swiss would spit in their faces(Congress and Klinton). Heck, people in this country would not have put up with these politicos not so many years ago.
Well, Billy has figured out a way to get on TV every hour. In a day or two, he'll be saying "Send me your daughters, I'll keep them safe" ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The ads were public service announcements so the time was donated by the networks. I saw the previews a couple of days ago and it was not an anti-gun promo. Teaching children the potential danger of misused weapons was mentioned.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The government-
media complex redux

Well, folks, you saw it for yourself last night -- at least
those of you who still, misguidedly, bother to watch
network television.

I'm talking about the latest example of a sinister societal
force I have described previously in this space -- the
government-media complex.

I don't know from first-hand experience, because I don't
watch ABC, NBC and CBS any more than I would
willingly submit to watching propaganda from the official
state broadcasts from Beijing or Havana. But, last night,
the U.S. TV networks, "in concert with the White
House," blanketed the airwaves with psychobabble and
mealy-mouthed blather aimed at getting parents to talk
to their kids about violence in the schools.

In the public service announcement, aired on more than
two dozen networks between 8 and 9 p.m., President
Clinton told the nation, "Our children need our help to
deal with tough issues, like violence. Please, talk with
your kids."

I guess you could say, "Big deal, Farah. The spots don't
really say anything controversial. They don't advocate
gun confiscation or other constitutional infringements.
What's the problem with urging parents to talk to kids."

I'll tell you what the problem is: It's twofold.

No. 1: Everyone smart enough to breathe knows what
the real political agenda of the White House is and why
Clinton believes this campaign is important. Everytime
he gets his mug on TV whining about some societal
problem, his ratings go up. Thus, there's the obvious
political component for this campaign. In addition, all the
news reports about this ad campaign noted Clinton's
answer to school violence is more restrictions on
firearms. So, even though the commercials themselves
might not make mention of the real underlying agenda,
they serve to support it -- agitating children of all ages to
look for easy answers when no easy answers exist. And
the Clintons masterfully used the TV commercials as a
way to agitate for their own anti-gun agenda. At a White
House screening the day before, Hillary Clinton said,
"After the shootings in Littleton, many members of
Congress did say 'enough,' and the Senate passed tough
new provisions, proposed by the president, that would
have strengthened our country's gun safety laws. But
even these most common-sense of measures -- that in
no way would have restricted the activities of honest and
legitimate gun owners -- were blocked by a majority in
the House who apparently were and are more interested
in the approval of the National Rifle Association than in
the safety of our children."

And who's behind this movement? It's not just Bill and
Hillary. The "Talking With Your Kids" organization
includes on its honorary committee such staunch gun
confiscation advocates and political partisans as Linda
Ellerbee and, yes, you guessed it, Rosie O'Donnell. It
includes as "resources" for information about violence
groups such as Handgun Control and for information
about sex education the notorious Planned Parenthood.
These people are not part of the solution. They are the

Bottom line: They advocate more government control
over people's lives and less freedom. No wonder this
effort has been embraced by the Clintons.

No. 2: Where will this kind of government-media
"cooperation" end? Is this the proper role of a "free
press" in a free society? The corporate media
establishment in this country loves such opportunities to
hold hands with Big Government and look "responsible."
It's easy. It's cheap. And everyone can go home with
salved consciences. Unfortunately, this kind of
cooperation with government leads only one place --

You see, government and the media are not supposed
to work hand-in-glove. In a truly free society -- the kind
envisioned by our founding fathers -- there is supposed
to be a healthy adversary relationship between the
media and the government. The press isn't supposed to
lie down and unquestioningly do government's bidding.
It was supposed to hold the government accountable for
everything it did -- to question everything it did.

Where will this kind of cooperation end? I would submit
to you that there is no end to it. Just try watching the
network news some time and you will see how the press
fosters more and more government control over the lives
of individual Americans. It's done overtly. It's done
continuously, and it's done willingly.

This is nothing short of mind control.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
All I can say is:

1. We only have to put up with Klinton for a few more months. Contact your representatives to stonewall, stall and do whatever it takes to keep thie jerk in check.

2. Vote, get your friends to vote for the candidates who are for a constitutional form of government. NO GORE!

3. Teach a kid how to shoot!

stary strong, we can win!

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
We only have to put up with Klinton for a few more months.

We have to put with Bubba for ANOTHER YEAR and a few more months. Congress will not keep him in check, PERIOD. How many times have they had the chance to toss his scurvy arse out on the sidewalk AND FAILED TO DO SO?

We no longer live in a Constitutional Republic, folks. We have a "leader" who rules by fiat, is above the law, and has no restraints on his power or conscience. We have a national goodthink apparat that backs him 110%. And we have a populace that is determined to be marched into the ovens.

Anyone disagree? I'd love to be proven wrong in my gloomy outlook, if it's possible.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
what....? mean you all still contaminate your minds with mainstream media garbage..?....KILL YOUR will feel better....if you cannot least cancel your cable....and watch some good videos.....

resistance to tyrrany is obedience to god...thomas jefferson

Would you be surpised if he tries to stay in office beyond the end of his term? (I wouldn't bet against it)