I’m not a religious person. Consenting adults can do danged near anything
with and among (!) other consenting adults. However, these perverts are
messing with minors! May they suffer what is described in Genesis 19, Luke
17, and Jude 1. (Omitted here to avoid offending our non-Christian readers.)
How does this relate to guns?
1) It’s a civil liberties issue. There are other such issues which divide us, but I would be surprised if 1% of us would support mandatory training in “fisting” (as THEY describe it), etc.
2) If the government can take away the Right of parents to determine their
religious beliefs and morale standards, the government has become too
strong. It’s time to give these anti-Constitutional demagogues a First
Amendment reality check. They may have the right to say whatever they
want. They do NOT have the right to FORCE children to study it and
participate in it as part of the "achievements" required to be graduated from high school.
Some years ago, Texas Governor Ann Richards advocated a mandatory school
curriculum which would start with kindergartners and climaxed with high school
seniors, explaining and (to some extent) demonstrating the “joys” and
“benefits” of homosexuality, lesbianism, fornication, adultery, self and mutual
masturbation, etc.
Most parents in Texas considered this to be a program of philosophical filth to
be forced upon their children against the will of both the parents and the
Shortly after that, Gov. Richards said that Texans would NEVER have the
right to vote on a concealed handgun bill. She would see to it! Most Texans,
whether they believe in CCW or not, considered it tyrannical for her to
prevent this from being voted upon.
George W. Bush came along. He promised to kill the “porno program” and
promised to sign a reasonable CHL bill if it hit his desk.
That is why I say “My dog, Spot” (with the same two promises) could
have become Governor of Texas. Dubya didn’t “win” the election.
Ann (Don’t Let Annie Get Your Guns) Richards handed the election to him on a silver
platter. I despise that “woman with all the hair”!
This is not meant to insult George Bush so don’t get on my case about it.
He’s been a good governor. But compared to Ann Richards, Howdy Doody
would have been an improvement.
We get the leadership we permit.
It’s time for Massachusetts to clean out their gene pool.
To the ballot box, folks!
Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em!
[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 23, 2000).]