Massachusetts Gun Rights under fire...Again


New member
This is in USA Today this morning. I hope the gun owners in Massachusetts start voting this stuff down :eek:

Wednesday, November 22
Boston - Proposed legislation would require gun makers to provide a spent bullet and shell casing with every gun so officials could more easily track weapons used in crimes. The bullet and shell casing would be submitted to the state's Criminal History Systems Board for use in criminal investigations. The National Rifle Association opposes it as a step toward national gun registration.
CoolRay said: "I hope the gun owners in Massachusetts start voting this stuff down."

First, the gun owners in MA can't vote this down. The law is being proposed by a state legislator. If it makes it to the floors of the MA House and Senate, it will be the legislators who will vote on it. If it is passed by the House and Senate, it would go to the Governor for his signature. Nowhere in this process is a vote by the citizens required or even allowed.

Second, here in MA, we re-elect Teddy Kennedy to the Senate every six years. The MA House and Senate are overwhelmingly Democractic. Most MA residents approve of gun control. If the proposed law was up for referendum, it would probably win.

Third, here in MA (and probably in most states), at the start of each legislative session a lot of laws are proposed. Most of the laws have zero chance of ever making it out of committee, let alone onto the floor for a vote. Each session at least a dozen gun control bills are filed in MA. Most go nowhere. The legislators know this. Most of these proposals are done solely so that the legislator can hold a press conference.

The Gun Owner's Action League ( tracks all these proposed laws, including the one described above. Where they earn their pay is in figuring out which laws have a chance of going somewhere and which are simply going nowhere. I suspect that this one is going nowhere.


[Edited by M1911 on 11-29-2000 at 07:08 PM]
I agree with the above.

People need to realise that gun owners in MA are the extreme minority, especially in their views in politics. As long as Ted Kennedy keeps getting re-elected this ****e will continue.

Massachusetts is as Democratic as a single state could possibly get, look at the election and see how bad Gore land slided Bush and you will see what I mean.

I live in MA and can honestly tell you that if you openly say that you voted for Bush you are looked at like the spawn of evil, people here truly beleive that Republicans are horrible evil people that will strip them of their wealth.

To make a long story short I do not see Massachusetts being a gun friendly state in the near future or just plain future for that matter. Reason number one, Democrats rule here and people love it that way, Ted Kennedy is addored here and gun rights are very low on the totem pole in MA, most of the yuppies here dont have a clue and the majority think the Constitution of the United States is a boat in the Charlestown navy yard.

Beleive me gun owners do vote for pro gun/second ammendment candidates but we are simply out numbered, I was standing in front of the state house when GOAL was protesting the Attorney Generals regulations with many others. MA is Democratic and anti-gun, thats the way it is.

Majority wins in this case:(

Unfortunatly, being a resident of Conn, I
know just how the Massachusetts residents feel.

I was one of the 39 % of Conn voters who voted
for Bush, not that my vote mattered in the least,
because I might just as well have stayed home
and saved the time and gasoline as 61 % of
Conn voters were Gore lovers.

Conn also landslided for Gore, I dont know why
Ct is so disgustingly democrat, but it sure
makes me feel insignificant.

When it comes to fire arms rights , we are out-
numbered even worst.
I know what it feels like to be looked at like some
sleazy criminal just because I believe in RKBA
and the second ammendment but I pity the brain
washed robots that believe guns are evil.

After all , we should all know that guns are
only evil in the hands of criminals such as
government officials. KGbatf comes to mind as
a shining example.
I am so very sad for this part of our Nation.

I live in Kalifornia. We in Kali are moving through the same liberal doors. That is why I am on my way to Idaho along with all of my hardware.

Don't the Mass. legislators have a brain in their head....Wala, just change the barrel out and it screws up the whole database effort. I guess they are going to outlaw new barrels too or make you register them also....What crap we are facing in this nation.