Massachusetts Gun Owners Rally at State House


New member
Attention all Massachusetts gun owners. After the AG's sneak attack on all semi automatic rifles GOAL has called for a rally at the State House this Saturday at 10AM. The Legislature is in session Saturday and this will be covered by major news outlets as they will be there covering what the Legislature is doing. Bring as many friends and family that you can to make this rally huge. Bring flags, bring signs and let them know gun owners are not going to roll over for this attack to our rights!!!

GOAL's Link to the Rally
Politicians generally are jealous of their power.
Reminding the legislature politicians that the AG might be overstepping her authority into their territory might help, too.
I had to drill down a bit to find out what your beef with the AG was actually all about and I guess I'm still a little unclear.

I DO REALIZE that you can't tell me what the AG means in 'plain and simple' language because the AG didn't use 'plain and simple' language in their letter.

Anyway, good luck and if you could explain a little more about the AG I think that would go far in showing how outrageous their behavior is in this case. And remember if it could happen in Mass. in could possibly happen in my state or yours.
Apologies: Here is the link to my post from yesterday that went over what she did.

Basically, she came out yesterday with a new directive on the Mass AWB stating that even copies of banned "Assault Weapons" will be considered banned as well. This moves away from the consensus of what is legal and not legal in the state's AWB. Basically with one stroke of the pen she outlawed the sale of all ARs, AKs and just about any semi automatic rifle that takes a detachable magazine.

She did this just as the Legislature left for summer break, so nothing will be done from that body. She sent letter to all FFLs with a cease and desist order threatening lawsuits and arrests if they sold those rifles after midnight last night. Thinking there was one day left to get ARs and AKs there was a run on sales yesterday so the AG pulled the plug on the state's FA-10 registration system stopping sales and transfers of all guns yesterday.

Legal recourse will take months and with this Lib state it will most likely fail. So here we stand......
I forget that part. GOAL is the Massachusetts version of GOA. They primarily work to change bad gun laws in the state. They are the front line for us gun owners and the AG went great lengths to keep them from learning anything about the plan.
Well that sucks! I just moved to Massachusetts from Florida and was planning on getting my LTC soon. My guns are not in Massachusetts and now it looks like there wouldn't be any point in bringing them here. Many are illegal here anyway and will never be here. The AG sure sounds like an arrogant and power hungry jerk and why is she also prejudiced against Glocks?

I've lived here only a month and a half and have found many things that I don't like about this state. Many of the gun laws here seem to be based solely on prejudice and not reason. I've also been in few gun stores and found some, but not all, of the employees and customers a little stand offish, cold, and paranoid of people they don't know including the Northeast Shooters Forum.

Don't even get me started on the third world road system laid out by cows, missing street name signs, horrific traffic, and rude dangerous drivers or the high cost and lack of housing, the high cost of living and taxes.
Now you know why I left 12 years ago and have never been back, candr44.

IMHO, the missing road signs aren't as bad as the ones that put you in the left lane before an exit that's on the right... :cool:
I had to drill down a bit to find out what your beef with the AG was actually all about and I guess I'm still a little unclear.

Okay, before yesterday, a person in MA could buy a gun with a Direct Impingement operating system, or piston, or blowback, provided they complied with a list of guns banned by name, as well as avoided certain scary features.

Well, Attorney General Darth Vader took it upon herself to "alter the deal" and has now declared any firearm with the same operating parts as a banned weapon will now, too, be a banned weapon. Extractors & charging handles, even. Basically taking the model bans and expanding them into broad technology bans. Then has the grace to say she will allow current holders of to-be-banned weapons that they may keep them by virtue of her say-so alone. "Pray I do not alter the deal further" basically. Effective midnight that day (yesterday)

This change came out of no where with no warning in a newspaper op-ed rather than a proper bureaucratic rule change or law passage. Very strange given how well prepared the whole spiel is, suggesting some dark forces at work behind the scenes (likely Obama from the looks of it). It caught everyone off guard, to the point that gun stores were panic selling all their semi-autos so as to not be caught with illegal or unsaleable inventory, and announcing they would no longer be selling ANY semi autos.

So basically all semi-autos in MA are now banned, and all that is left is the collection of them, unless gun owners rally and remove the ability to implement this proposal from the AG (preferably along with her job & pension). There is a rally this weekend; be there if you live up there.

Many of the gun laws here seem to be based solely on prejudice and not reason.
Well, now they're based on both. These new rule changes are quite logical, which is why there is no 'quick' workaround that lets people avoid the consequences of the law & deflect from their duty to strongly oppose it.

Oh, I forgot; the AG is only allowing possession of existing now-banned guns (for now), so all your autoloaders have been made worthless (and legally dangerous), at least as far as selling to other MA residents.

Okay. My day to be dense.
Before this, say last week, a gun store COULD sell several different kinds of AR type rifles and then BOOM these rifles are today illegal to sell? With no warning? What's a gun store to do? I mean really? Take 'em all into the back room and try to sell them to different states that don't have such laws? Did the gun stores really, actually stop selling them on the AG's say so?

I don't doubt what you're saying for a moment but I didn't think we (folks in this country) did things like that.
I don't doubt what you're saying for a moment but I didn't think we (folks in this country) did things like that.

In Massachusetts they do. The far left government here is very arrogant. The supreme court here has gone as far as saying tasers are not protected under the 2nd amendment because they were not around when it was written. They did this in direct violation of the U.S. supreme court's decision that they are protected under the 2nd amendment.

there is no 'quick' workaround that lets people avoid the consequences of the law & deflect from their duty to strongly oppose it.

From what I've seen here, so far, GOAL does do some good but looks rather weak against the entrenched anti gun left. The NRA seems to have completely written off Massachusetts as a lost cause. I still intend to get my LTC and contribute to GOAL but what's needed is more political power and law suits to keep the left in check.
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candr44 said:
The supreme court here has gone as far as saying tasers are not protected under the 2nd amendment because they were not around when it was written.

That is like saying any words not in the vocabulary at the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted are not protected under the 1st Amendment. I'm sure that standard is only applied to things the court doesn't like...
candr44 said:
In Massachusetts they do. The far left government here is very arrogant. The supreme court here has gone as far as saying tasers are not protected under the 2nd amendment because they were not around when it was written. They did this in direct violation of the U.S. supreme court's decision that they are protected under the 2nd amendment.
Unless I'm mistaken, it (the MA Supreme Court) also got a judicial beatdown for that in Caetano.
don't doubt what you're saying for a moment but I didn't think we (folks in this country) did things like that.
This should be s wake up call for all.
This is how gun control in the USA is going to happen.

The 2nd will be ignored at the state and local level, until we are left with pockets of gun ownership friendly states.
The 2nd will be ignored at the state and local level, until we are left with pockets of gun ownership friendly states.

Yes, and I think the US Supreme Court will simply refuse to hear any cases challenging these State laws.
The 2nd will be ignored at the state and local level, until we are left with pockets of gun ownership friendly states.
Imagine the mass migrations that could result.
Moving companies should benefit.
Maybe the South shall rise again, much better equipped, though.
Unless I'm mistaken, it (the MA Supreme Court) also got a judicial beatdown for that in Caetano.

They did indeed. Pretty darn arrogant to try the "only 18th century technology" argument after that notion had been specifically and thoroughly trashed in DC v Heller. Just goes to show the contempt these people have for the constitution and the rule of law when it conflicts with their agenda.

Here's a thead discussing it:
We thought that the Caetano ruling would help, but in true Mass fashion they just ignored it and nothing changed. There has been a constant push but Comm2A (Pro-Gun group of lawyers) that have been fighting and have gone as far as the Ma Supreme Court, but the court continually sides with the Gov't. Not a surprise as all of them are far left leaning.

This needs to be a lesson for all other states and for us we all know it's the first step towards forced turn in/confiscation of these types of weapons. Might take a few more years for that to happen, but it's the only logical result of this ruling.

There is a massive rally planned tomorrow, but not sure what good it will do as most of our legislators are left leaning as well. CANDR44, if I was you I'd move up to NH if you can. Unfortunately due to family issues I'm stuck here. At least for now. I do see a move in our future though.